Wavelets Seminar

Time: Wednesdays, 3:30-5:30
Start: September 15
Room: Chase 3rd floor colloquium room
Course #: Math 7040X01 and 7040Y01

Organizers: Keith Taylor, Jon Borwein and Eva Curry

The original seminar announcement
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Timely Announcements:

The seminar on Wednesday, October 6 will be preceeded by a special colloquium, and thus will begin around 4:30pm. This will be a considerably shortened seminar.


Wavelet Analysis has established itself, over the last 20 years, as a practical method for signal and image processing and as a powerful theoretical tool in functional analysis. In this seminar, we plan three levels of activity.

  1. The core activity will be to cover the basic theory and applications in the books of Hernandez and Weiss, "A First Course on Wavelets" and Meyer and Ryan (trans.), "Wavelets: Algorithms and Applications".
  2. We will learn the essential techniques of analyzing actual data using software in the matlab library.
  3. We will have a series of presentations on recent research results in the areas of wavelet analysis and other methods of signal and image processing.

Students enrolling in the course will be assigned sections of the books to present and/or portions of the calculation methods to master and explain. All attendees will be given an opportunity to participate.

On September 15th, K. Taylor will give an introduction to the area and we will organize the initial schedule of presentations. For further information please contact one of the organizers.

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Please note that the schedule may change slightly as some topics may take longer than the alloted time. Changes will be posted to this web page.

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