First-Year Calculus Classes
This the homepage for the first year Calculus classes in the Department of
Mathematics and Statistics
in the Faculty of Science
at Dalhousie University.
Pre-Calculus (Math 0011)
Are you prepared for enrolling in a university-level calculus class?
The College of Continuing Education
offers a (non-credit) university math preparation class both during the
during the Fall term.
In addition,
the mathematics departments of the universities in the Atlantic Provinces have
prepared an
on-line booklet which you might find to be helpful.
Calculus I (Math 1000)
This calculus class is designed for students in all degree programs.
Math 1000 is normally taken during the Fall term
(when twelve sections are offered)
but one section is usually available in each of the Winter,
Spring, and Summer terms.
(The Math 1000X/Y
class spreads the same material as Math 1000 over the Fall and Winter terms combined.)
Here is a link to the
Diagnostic Test for students who are considering Math 1000.
Calculus II (Math 1010)
This class continues the study of the calculus (using the same textbook
as Math 1000). It is normally taken during the Winter term when
multiple sections are available, but it is usually available in all
terms (including the Summer).
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