Ammar M. Sarhan, Ph.D. Statistics

Curriculum Vitae

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Dalhousie University, CANADA.

Work (902) 494-1981  fax (902) 494 - 5130  Cell (902) 266-6423



Institute of Mathematics,

Gdansk University, Poland


Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematical Statistics)

Thesis Title:


Bayesian Estimation in Reliability Theory

Faculty of Science,

Mansoura University, Egypt


Master of Applied Mathematics

Thesis Title:


On the Harmonic Formulation of Super Yang-Mills Theory in 4 and 10 Dimensions

Faculty of Science,

Mansoura University, Egypt


Bachelor of Mathematics




Excellent with honors”,  First in class

Research Interests

I am generally interested in the development of statistical methods motivated by applications to real scientific problems. I have numerous areas of research, including:  computational statistics, statistical inference using Bayesian and non-Bayesian methods in the presence of different kinds of data, competing risks models, reliability and survival analysis and univariate and multivariate (discrete and continuous) distributions.  Currently, I am looking on applying competing risks model and masked data in different fields such as life science and industrial engineering as well as the application of accelerated life testing with competing risks models in life sciences.

Employment History

August 2012 – Present

Instructor - Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Dalhousie University, Canada

September 2014 – Present

Sessional instructor - Department of Mathematics, Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada

August 2011 –May 2012

Assistant professor - Department of Mathematics,  Statistics and Computer Science, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada

August 2010 – July 2011

Instructor - Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Dalhousie University, Canada

Sept 2008 – July 2010

Adjunct Professor - Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Dalhousie University, Canada

July 2008 – August 2008

Professor – Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt

October 2005 – June 24 2008

Professor - Department of Statistics & Operations Research, College of Science, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

October 2001 – Sept 2005

Associate professor - Department of Statistics & Operations Research, College of Science, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

Sept 1999  - Sept  2001

Assistant professor - Department of Statistics & Operations Research, College of Science, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

August 1996 – August 1999

Assistant professor - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt

October 1992 – July 1996

Graduate Research assistant, Institute of Mathematics, Gdansk University, Poland

March 1989 - Sept 1992

Lecturer – Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt. 

Sept 1985 – Feb 1989

Assistant lecturer - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt  



Graduate Supervision

A) Ph. D. :-



Thesis Title

Current Students:



Thamer Manshi

January  2016

   It is not determined yet

Omar Algamdi

Sept  2015

   It is not determined yet

Ahlam Hamdy Mansoura University, Egypt

September  2014

   Analysis of Shock Models

Past Students:



Mansour A. Al-Ameri

July 2009

Statistical analysis of competing risks models

B) Ms. C. :-



Thesis Title


Current Students:



Ismail Furjani

Sept 2014

  Bayesian Analysis of a new family of lifetime distributions

Afaf Alzahrani

Sept 2015

  Statistical analysis of a competing risks model

Past Students:



Abdel-Rahmanli Karawia


Bayes and empirical Bayes procedures in reliability theory

Abdel-Fatah Mustafa

Oct. 2002

Reliability equivalence of systems

Mansour A. Al-Ameri

May 2003

Parameter estimations using partial information

Faysal Al-Motarey

Jan 2003

Study of queuing network models

Najeeb Al-Matar

June 2004

Effect of the server capacity distribution on the optimal control of a bulk service queuing system

Ali Al-Fozan

May 2005

Statistical Estimators for System's Reliability Components using Masked Data

Mohamed Al-Saadi

June 2006

Reliability equivalence factors of systems

Ibtsam Abdusalam

April 2007

Using progressive censored data in the statistical inference

Saad Al-Malki

June 2007

Some useful generalized statistical distributions

Safar El-Ghamdy

May 2008

A new class of generalized distributions

Ph.D. External examiner

Ajay Kumar

Ph.D. (Mathematics) Reliability Analysis of Industrial Systems using GA and Fuzzy Approach. Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, August 2009

Ashok Shanubhogue

Ph.D. (Mathematics) Reliability Analysis using Fuzziness of Real-time Based Industrial Processes. Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, April 2010

Monika Rani

Ph.D. (Mathematics) Reliability Optimization of some Industrial Systems using ABC technique. Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, October 2013.

Bhoopendra Pachauri

Ph.D. (Mathematics) Modeling and Analysis of Software Reliability Growth Behavior and Optimal Release Policy using Soft-Computing Techniques. ABV – Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior (M.P.) India, September 2014.

S. Kasthuri

Ph.D. (Mathematics) A study on some stochastic life time models in reliability, Islamiah College, Bangladesh,  November 2014.

Courses Taught

Dalhousie University (CANADA)

Math 1060 / Stat 1060

Introductory Statistics for Science and Health Sciences. I teach this course as well as I am the coordinator.

Math 1060/Stat 1060 Online

I developed the online course and teach it.

Math 2060 / Stat 2060 / Econ 2260

Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Math 2080/ Stat 2080/ Econ 2280

Statistical Methods for Data Analysis and Inference

Math 3360 / Stat 3360


Math 3380/Stat 3380

Sampling Techniques

STAT 3460

Intermediate Statistic Theory

STAT 4350 crossed with STAT 5350

Applied Multivariate Analysis

STAT 5130

Bayesian Data Analysis



Mount Saint Vincent University (CANADA)

Math 2208

Introduction to Statistics I


MATH 2209

Introduction to Statistics II

Math 0020

College Algebra


St. Francis Xavier University (CANADA)

STAT 201

Elementary Business Statistics

STAT 224/ENGR 224

Probability and Statistics for Engineers

MATH 223

Linear Algebra for Engineers with Matlab

MATH 385

Numerical Methods

Saint Mary’s University (CANADA)

MGSC 1205

Quantitative Methods I

King Saud University (SAUDI ARABIA)

    Undergraduate Level

Csc 150

Basics in Computer Programming

Csc 151

Structural Programming

Stat 101

Introductory to Probability and Statistics

Stat 111

Elements of Distribution Theory

Or 211

Linear Programming – 1

Stat 211

Probability 1

Stat 221

Basic Statistical Inference

Stat 238

Statistical Computations – I

Stat 212

Stochastic Processes – I

Stat 421

Estimation Theory

OR 361

Reliability Theory – I

Stat 322

Decision Theory

Stat 439

Data Analysis

Stat 499

Graduation Project

Or 499

Graduation Project

    Graduate Level

Stat 520

Theory of Statistics – I

Stat 531

Analysis of Variance

Stat 559

Theory of Statistics – II

Stat 570

Stochastic Processes – I

Stat 523

Special Topics in Statistics

Stat 574

Survival Analysis

Stat 576

Sample Survey

Or 563

Theory of Reliability and Life Testing

Stat 621

Statistical Inference – I

Stat 622

Statistical Inference – II

Stat 623

Survival Analysis

Mansoura University (EGYPT)

    First Year

Math 1

Differentiation and Integration – I

Math 2


Math 3

Static and Dynamic – A

Computer Science (1)

Introduction to Computer and Operating Systems


Second Year

Math 1

Introduction to Statistics and Probability

Math 2

Linear Algebra and Geometry

Math 3

Computer Science (Basic language)

Math 2b

Advanced Calculus and Differential Equations

    Third Year

Math 1

Linear Programming

Stat 1

Theory of Probability

Stat 2

Statistical Methods – I

Math 3

Introduction to Computer Science and languages

     Fourth Year

Stat-Math (3a)

Probability Theory

Stat –Math (3B)

Statistical Methods – II

Stat-Math (4a)

Random Processes

Stat –Math (4B)

Statistical Theory

Computer Science (2)

Computer Language

   Graduate Level

Stat 1

Statistical Inferences

Stat 2

Random Processes

Stat 3

Data Analysis

Stat 5

Reliability Theory

Stat 6

Computational Statistics and Statistical Packages (Minitab, Spss, Sas)

Suez  Canal University (EGYPT)


Calculus I (Differentiation and Integration)


Differential Equations




Static and Dynamics – I


Special functions


Real analysis


Dynamic Programming

Professional, Academic and Administration Contributions



Associate head of Departmental council committee

Jan 2005 - June 2008

-   Announce and arrange the schedules of meetings in coordination with the department head.

-   Prepare and provide meeting reports.

-   Make reports available to the faculty. 

-   Follow-up council directives.

Coordinator of research committee

Sept 2004 - June 2008

-   Revise the doctorate and master's degrees proposals. And make sure of its completeness, before sending it to the department and college councils.

Coordinator of promotions committee

Sept 2002 - June 2008

-   Study applications for promotions and their fulfillment of necessary conditions, and send report to the department council.


Coordinator of examinations and schedules committee

Sept 2000 - June 2008

-   Prepare the schedule of the academic load for the faculty members and the teaching assistants

-   Prepare course timetable.

-   Scheduling students in the 499 class and allocate them to their advisers.

-   Prepare term-examinations invigilation timetables and places in coordination with instructors and coordinators of the courses.

-   Coordinate make up examinations for the term and final examinations of the department courses.

Journals Edited

-   International Journal of Reliability and Its Applications.

-   International Scholarly Research Network ( 



Professional Associations

Member of Canadian Statistical Society

Member of Egyptian Mathematical Society

Visiting Positions

June 15 – July 15, 2004

Visiting Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University, Canada, invited by Professor N. Balakrishnan

Reviews and Referring

o   Journal of Multivariate Analysis

o   Journal of Statistical Planning and Inferences

o   Communication in Statistics – Theory and Methods

o   Communication in Statistics – Simulation

o   Pakistan Journal of Statistics

o   Reliability Engineering and System Safety

o   Computers and Industrial Engineering

o   IEEE Transi. on Reliability

o   International Journal of Reliability and its applications

o   Signal Processing

o    Quality Technology and Quantitative Management

o   Bulletin of Statistics and Economics

o   Physica A


Project Grants


Project Title


Ammar M. Sarhan

Empirical Bayes procedure

15,000 SR

M. Montaser and Ammar M. Sarhan

Reliability equivalence factors of a parallel system with nonidentical components

19,000 SR

Ammar M. Sarhan and  L. Tadj

Optimal control of an inventory system with ameliorating and deteriorating items

20,000 SR

 L. Tadj and Ammar M. Sarhan

Parameters estimations of a Weibull model using dependent masked data

20,000 SR

Ammar M. Sarhan

Reliability equivalence factors of a parallel system

16,000 SR

Ammar M. Sarhan, A. S. Al-Ruzaiza

Reliability equivalence of a series-parallel system

22,000 SR

Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Abuammoh

Parameters estimators for the generalized exponential distribution

20,000 SR

Ammar M. Sarhan,

Analysis of incomplete, censored data in competing risks models with generalized exponential distributions

15,000 SR

Ammar M. Sarhan, L. Tadj

Inference using record values from generalized Rayleigh distribution with application,

21,000 SR

Ammar M. Sarhan, L. Tadj

Parameter estimations of the generalized Rayleigh distribution

20,000 SR

Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Abuammoh

Statistical Inference using progressively Type-II censored data with random scheme

22,000 SR

Ammar M. Sarhan, L. Tadj

Introduction to Reliability Theory

25,000 SR

L. Tadj and Ammar M. Sarhan

Introduction to Stochastic Processes

20,000 SR



A)  Works in Progress / Under review

Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Ismail

Inferences for a Step-Stress Accelerated Life Test with Competing risks for Exponential Lifetimes, In Progress.

Ammar M. Sarhan

Exponentiated discrete Weibull distribution, In progress. 

Ammar M. Sarhan,

Bayes Inferences of the Power Lindley distribution, In progress.

B) International Journals

2016 Fahimah A. Alawadhi, Ammar M. Sarhan and David C. Hamilton,

  Marshall-Olkin extended two-parameter bathtub-shaped lifetime distribution,

  Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, to appear.

2015  Ammar M. Sarhan, David C. Hamilton and B. Smith

Estimation of P (Y<X) for a two-parameter bath-tub shaped failure rate distribution,

International Journal of Statistics and Probability, Vol. 4, No. 2, May 2015.

Ammar M. Sarhan, Joseph Apaloo,

Inferences for a two-parameter lifetime distribution with bathtub shaped hazard  based on censored data,

International Journal of Statistics and Probability; Vol. 4, No. 4


2014 Ammar M. Sarhan, Lotfi Tadj, and David Hamilton,

A New Lifetime Distribution and its Power Transformation,                                           

Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2014.

Abdelfattah Mustafa and Ammar M. Sarhan,

Availability Equivalence Factors of a General Repairable Parallel-Series System,

Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, 5, 1713-1723.   

2013  Ammar M. Sarhan, Abd EL-Baset A. Ahmad and Ibtesam A. Alasbahi,

Exponentiated Generalized Exponential Linear Distribution Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 37, Issue 5, 1 March 2013, Pages 2838-2849.

Ammar M. Sarhan, Joseph Apaloo,

Exponentiated modified Weibull extension distribution, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 112, April 2013, Pages 137-144.

Ammar M. Sarhan, A. Mustafa,

Availability equivalence factors of a general repairable series-parallel system, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Volume 14, (1), 11-26.

    Ammar M. Sarhan,

Bivariate generalized Rayleigh distribution, International Journal of Reliability and Application, Accepted.

2012  Ammar M. Sarhan, David C. Hamilton and B. Smith,

Parameter estimation for a two-parameter bathtub-shaped lifetime distribution, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 36, Issue 11, November 2012, Pages 5380–5392.

D. Kundu , Ammar M. Sarhan and R.D. Gupta,

On Sarhan-Balakrishnan bivariate distribution, Journal of Statistics and Probability, vol. 1, no. 3, 163 - 170, 2012.

    Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Karawia

Parameter estimates of the generalized linear failure rate distribution, International Journal of Reliability and Application, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2012; 91-104,          

2011  Ammar M. Sarhan, David C. Hamilton, B. Smith and D. Kundu,

Bivariate generalized linear failure rate distribution, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 644-654

          Zaindin M. and Ammar M. Sarhan,

New generalized Weibull distribution, Pakistan Journal of Statistics, Vol. 27(1).

          Ammar M. Sarhan and Mamdouh Montaser,

Parameter estimations of linear failure rate distribution using progressively type-II censored data, Applied Science.

2010  Ammar M. Sarhan, David C. Hamilton and Bruce Smith,

Statistical analysis of competing risks models, Reliab Eng Syst Safety, Vol. 95 (9), 953-962.

          Ammar M. Sarhan and A. S. Al-Ruzaiza,

Statistical inference of Weibull model using progressively Type-II censored data with random scheme, Pakistan Journal   of Statistics, Vol. 26(1), 267-279.

    Ammar M. Sarhan, A. El-Gohary, A.H. El-Bassiouny and N. Balakrishnan,

Mixture of bivariate linear failure rate distributions, International Journal of Reliability and its applications.

2009   Ammar M. Sarhan,

Reliability equivalence factors of a general series-parallel system, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 94,   229-236.

Ammar M. Sarhan,

Generalized quadratic failure rate distribution. International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, Volume 14(S09), 94-106.

Ammar M. Sarhan and D. Kundu,

Generalized linear failure rate distribution, Communication in Statistics – Theory and Methods, Volume 38(5), 642 – 660.

Ammar M. Sarhan and M. Zaindin,

Modified Weibull distribution, Applied Science, Volume 11, 123-136.

Ammar M. Sarhan and S. Al-Ghamdi,

Estimations of the parameters of the generalized quadratic hazard rate distribution using Type-II censored data, Journal of Mathematical Sciences - Advances and Application, Vol.  2(1), 85-104.

M. Zaindin and Ammar M. Sarhan,

Parameters estimation of the modified Weibull distribution, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 3, no. 11, 541 – 549.

A. Ismail and Ammar M. Sarhan,

Optimal Design of Step-Stress Life Test with Progressively type-II Censored Exponential Data, International Mathematical Forum, 4, 2009, no. 40, 1963 - 1976.

2008  Ammar M. Sarhan and D. Kundu,

Bayes estimators for reliability measures in a geometric distribution model using masked system life test data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 52, no. 4, 1821-1836.

Ammar M. Sarhan, Tadj, L. and Al-Malki,

Estimation of the parameters of the generalized linear failure rate distribution, Bulletin of Statistics & Economics (BSE), Vol. 2(S08), 52-63.

Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Abuammoh,

Statistical Inference using progressively Type-II censored data with random scheme, International Mathematical Forum, 3, no. 35, 1713 – 1725.

Ammar M. Sarhan, L. Tadj,

Inference using record values from generalized Rayleigh distribution with application, Bulletin of Statistics & Economics (BSE), Vol. 2(A08), 72-85.

Ammar M. Sarhan, M. Al-Amrei and I. Al-Wasel,

Analysis of progressive censoring competing risks data with binomial removals, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 2, No. 20, 965 - 976.

Ammar M. Sarhan, L. Tadj, A. Al-Khodari and A. Mustafa,

Equivalence factors of a parallel- series system, Applied Sciences, Vol.10, 219-230.

L. Tadj, Ammar M. Sarhan, and A. El-Gohary,

Optimal control of an inventory system with ameliorating and deteriorating items, Applied Sciences, Vol.10,   243-255.

M. Montaser and Ammar M. Sarhan,

Reliability equivalence factors of a parallel system with nonidentical components, Intrenational Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol. 9 (1),    95-112.

A.     Al-Khodairi, Ammar M. Sarhan and L. Tadj,

Parameter estimations of the generalized Rayleigh distribution, International Journal of Reliability & Application, Vol. 9,   1-13.

2007  Ammar M. Sarhan,

Analysis of incomplete, censored data in competing risks models with generalized exponential distributions, IEEE Transi. on Reliability, Vol. 56(1), 132-139.

A.     Abuammoh and Ammar M. Sarhan,

Parameters estimators for the generalized exponential distribution, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol. 8, 1,   17-025.

Ammar M. Sarhan, F. M. Guess and J. S. Usher,

Estimators for reliability measures in a geometric distribution model using dependent masked system life test data, IEEE Transi. on Reliability, Vol. 56 (2), 312-320.

A.     Mustafa, Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Al-Ruzaiza,

Reliability equivalence of a parallel-series system, Pakistan Journal   of Statistics, Vol. 23, (3), 241-254.

Ammar M. Sarhan and N. Balakrishnan,

A new class of bivariate distributions and its mixture, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 98(7)1508-1527.

2006  Ammar M. Sarhan,

Estimations of the parameters in a two-component system using dependent masked data, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol. 7, No.1,   129-145.

Debasis Kundu and Ammar M. Sarhan,

Analysis of incomplete data in presence of competing risks among several groups, IEEE Transi. on Reliability, Vol. 55(2),   270-280.

Awad El-Gohary and Ammar M. Sarhan.

The distributions of sums, products, ratios and differences for Marshall-Olkin bivariate exponential distribution, International Journal of Applied Mathematics.

Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Mustafa.

Reliability equivalence of a series system consists of n independent and non-identical components, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol. 7, No. 2.

Ammar M. Sarhan and L. Tadj.

Parameters estimations of a Weibull model using dependent masked data, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 19, No. 1,   105-124.

Ammar M. Sarhan, A. M. Abouammoh, and M. Al-Ameri,

Exact maximum likelihood estimation using masked system life test data, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol. 7, No. 1,   41-5.

Awad El-Gohary and Ammar M. Sarhan,

Optimal control and synchronization of Lorenz system with complete unknown parameters, Journal of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 30(5),   1122-1132.

2005  Ammar M. Sarhan,

Reliability equivalence factors of a parallel system, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 87,   405-411.

Ammar M. Sarhan and A. El-Gohary,

Parameter estimations in the complementary Weibull reliability model, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol. 6,   41-51.

Awad El-Gohary and Ammar M. Sarhan,

Estimations of the parameters in a three nonindependent component series system subjected to sources of shocks, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vo. 160, Issue 1,   29-40.

A. S. Al-Ruzaiza and A. M. Sarhan,

Estimators for parameters included in cold standby systems with imperfect switches, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol. 6(2),   65-78.

2004  Ammar M. Sarhan,

Reliability equivalence factors of a bridge network system, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol. 5(2),   81-103.

Ammar M. Sarhan,

Parameter estimations in a general hazard rate model using masked data, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 153, Issue 2,   513-536.

Ammar M. Sarhan,

Parameter estimations in linear failure rate model using masked data, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 151, Issue 1,   233-249.

Ammar M. Sarhan, A. S. Al-Ruzaiza, 1. A. Alwasel and Awad El-Gohary,

Reliability equivalence of a series-parallel system, Applied Mathematics and Computation , Vol. 154, Issue 1,    257-277.

Ahmed H. El-Bassiouny, Ammar M. Sarhan and M. Al-Garian,

Testing Exponentiality Against NBUFR (NWUFR), Applied Mathematics and Computation, 149, 351-358.

2003  Ammar M. Sarhan,

Estimations of parameters in Pareto reliability model using masked data, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 82, 75-83.

Ammar M. Sarhan,

Nonparametric empirical Bayes procedure, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 80, 115-122.

Ammar M. Sarhan,

Empirical Bayes estimates in exponential reliability model, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 135(2-3): 319-332.

Ammar M. Sarhan,

Estimation of system components reliabilities using masked data, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 136(l): 79-92.

Lotfi Tadj and A.M. Sarhan.

Effect of the server capacity distribution on the optimal control of a bulk service queuing system, Journal of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 18, 1101-1110.

Ammar M. Sarhan and Ahmed H. El-Bassiouny,

Estimation of components reliability in a parallel system using masked system life data, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 138(l): 61-75.

Ammar M. Sarhan and Awad El-Gohary,

Parameter estimations of I-out-of-2: G repairable system, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 145, Issues 2-3,   469-479.

Ammar M. Sarhan and Lotfi Tadj,

Parameters estimation of a repairable system, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 138(2-3),   217-226.

2002 Ammar M. Sarhan,

Reliability equivalence with a basic series/parallel system, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 132(l): 115-133.

Ammar M. Sarhan and A. M. Abouammoh,

Joint Structural Importance of two Components, International Journal of reliability and applications, Vol. 3(4),   173-183.

2001  Ammar M. Sarhan,

Reliability estimations of components from masked system life data, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol.  74(l),   107-113.

Ammar M. Sarhan,

The Bayes procedure in exponential reliability family models using conjugate convex tent prior family, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 7(1),   97-102.

Ammar M. Sarhan and A.M. Abouammoh,

Reliability of k-out-of-n nonrepairable systems with nonindependent components subjected to common shocks, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. (4),   617-621.

Ammar M. Sarhan and A.M. Abouammoh,

Reliability of k-out-of-n cold standby system with imperfect switches, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol. 2(4),   253-262.

2000  Ammar M. Sarhan,

Reliability equivalence of independent and non-identical components series systems, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol.  67(3),   293-300.

1999  Ammar M. Sarhan,

Empirical Bayes estimators of indexed parameters of exponential families, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 1 (4),   365-3 71.

Ammar M. Sarhan,

Bayes estimation of the general hazard rate model, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol.  66(l),   85-91.

Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Karawia,

Empirical Bayes estimators for exponential reliability measures, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. ](5),   521-528.

1996  F. Grabski and Ammar M. Sarhan,

Empirical Bayes estimation in the case of exponential reliability, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 53(2),   105-113.

1995  Ammar M. Sarhan,

Bayesian estimation of the Service factors of repairable system components, Advances in Modeling and Analysis, C, AMSE Press, France, Vol. 46, No. 3, 47-53.

F. Grabski and Ammar M. Sarhan,

Bayesian estimation in exponential reliability, Advances in Modeling and Analysis, B, AMSE Press, France, Vol. 34 No. 1, 33-43.

F. Grabski and Ammar M. Sarhan,

Bayesian estimation of the Weibull reliability, Zagadnienia Eksplotacjin Masun, Poland, Vol. 101, No. 1, 29-36.

F. Grabski and Ammar M. Sarhan,

Bayesian estimation of parameters of two nonindependent components exponential series system, Zagadnienia Eksplotacjin Maszyn, Poland, Vol. 102, No. 2,   175-187.

F. Grabski and Ammar M. Sarhan. 

Notes on prior distribution in Bayesian estimation of the Weibull scale parameter, Preprint in the University of Gdansk, Poland, No. 109.

1994  Ammar M. Sarhan,

Bayesian estimation in the Weibull reliability with a known shape parameter, Preprint in the University of Gdansk, Poland, No. 105.

F. Grabski and Ammar M. Sarhan,

The Bayesian point and interval estimation of parameters of exponential reliability, Zeszyty Nankowe Akademii Marynarki Wojennej, Poland, 1994, Volume XX-XVNO. 11120.

C)  Conferences


Ammar M. Sarhan,

A two parameter Discrete Distribution with a bathtub hazard shape, 2nd Researchers-Statisticians and Young Statisticians Congress, May 4-8, 2016, Ankara, Turkey.



Ammar M. Sarhan, Joseph Apaloo,

The Bivariate Two Parameter Bathtub Hazard Rate Distribution, 43rd Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, June 14-17, 2015 at Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada.



Ammar M. Sarhan,

Marshall-Olkin extended two-parameter bathtub-shaped lifetime distribution, The 26th Annual International Conference on Statistics and Modeling in Human and Social Sciences, March 25-27, 2014, Cairo, Egypt.


Ammar M. Sarhan,

Exponentiated Modified Weibull Extension Distribution, 40th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada. June 3-6, 2012 at the University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada.



Ammar M. Sarhan, M. Al-Amrei and I. Al-Wasel,

Analysis of incomplete data in competing risks models with generalized Weibull distributions, Conference in Statistics & 25-26 March, Cairo, Egypt.

Ammar M. Sarhan and I. Al-Asbahi,

Statistical Inference for the linear exponential model using progressively censored data, Conference in Statistics & 25-26 March, Cairo, Egypt.





Ammar M. Sarhan, M. Abokalam and A. Al-Fozan,

Parameters estimations in Pareto reliability model using dependent masked system life-test data, The seventh Conference of the Saudi Association of Mathematical Sciences, 7-8 April, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Ammar M. Sarhan and M. Al-Saadi,

Reliability equivalence of a non-identical component series parallel system, The seventh Conference of the Saudi Association of Mathematical Sciences, 7-8 April, Price Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.





Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Mustafa. 

Reliability equivalence factors of a complex system, The Annual Conference ISSR December, 7-10, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

Ammar M. Sarhan,

Components reliability estimations from masked system life test data, The fifth Conference of the Saudi Association of Mathematical Sciences, 11-12 April, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.





Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Mustafa.

Reliability equivalence of independent and non-identical components series systems, The Annual Conference ISSR Cairo University, Egypt, 1999.

Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Karawia,

Empirical Bayes estimates of exponential reliability measures, Conference of Statistics and Computers and their applications, Cairo, Egypt, 1999.



Ammar M. Sarhan,

An Empirical Bayes procedure. International Congress of Mathematics, August 18-27, Berlin, Germany.



D) Workshops


Ammar M. Sarhan, D.C. Hamilton and B. Smith,

Analysis of a competing risks model with the Chen distribution. Atlantic Mathematical Biology Workshop, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, CANADA, 27 April, 2009.

E) Books


Ammar M. Sarhan and L. Tadj

Introduction to Reliability Theory, King Saud University


L. Tadj and Ammar M. Sarhan

Introduction to Stochastic Processes, King Saud University