Atlantic Conference On Dynamical Systems

Dalhousie University
August 20
Alan Coley (
Theodore Kolokolnikov
David Iron

The AARMS Concentrated Research Group in dynamical systems (CRG-DS) is holding a meeting on dynamical systems (with applications to cosmology) on August 20, 2012 at Dalhousie University. This meeting immediately follows the Atlantic Mathematical Biology workshop that will be held on August 18th - 19th ( (There may be a single joint session/evening lecture on Aug 19). The meeting (together with the Mathematical Biology workshop) is primarily aimed at undergraduate and graduate students in applied mathematics. There may be a small registration fee, that will be waived for all students and all participants of the Atlantic Mathematical Biology workshop. Please write to Alan Coley ( to indicate whether you hope to attend (the toal number of participants will be limited) and whether you would like to give a talk.


All talks to be help in the colloquium room (Chase 3rd floor).

PART I (10am -12noon): dynamical systems and cosmology
Alan Coley: Overview of dynamical systems and cosmology.
Bassemah Alhulaimi: Einstein-Aether cosmology.
Mikjel Thorsrud (Oslo): Doubly Coupled Quintessence.
Joey Latta: Some comments on string cosmology.
PART II (1pm - 3pm): cosmology
Sanjeev Seahra (UNB): Cosmological implications of polymer
Iain Brown (Oslo): Backreaction in cosmology.
Juliane Behrend (Utrecht): Einstein-Cartan Theory as an Averaged
Theory of Gravity
Johan Brannlund (Concordia): Some thoughts on Wheeler - de Witt
quantum gravity
Joey Latta: Unimodular gravity.


Affordable accommodations can be booked through Dalhousie residences. Rooms are available for $47/night. Information can be found here.

For more substantial accommodations, Dalhousie has an arrangement with several hotels in the area, details are listed here.



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