The Atlantic Category Theory Group is an interdisciplinary
research group composed of faculty, postdocs, and graduate students at
Dalhousie University, Saint Mary's University, and Mount Allison
Research Interests
Our research interests focus on pure and applied
category theory, including double categories,
bicategories, enriched categories, higher dimensional
category theory, adjunctions, homotopy theory,
applications to quantum field theory, categorical
lattice theory, complete distributivity, Hopf algebras,
homological algebra, operator theory, categorical logic,
the mathematical foundations of computer science, the
semantics of programming languages, models of quantum
computing, computational category theory, constructive
mathematics, topos theory, and the categorical theory of
database systems. To find out about the interests of
individual faculty members, you can follow the links to
their home pages.
We welcome applications from prospective graduate students
and/or postdoctoral researchers. Please contact the individual faculty
members for more information.
The group meets weekly in the
Category Theory Seminar.
The group or its members are involved in organizing the following
Upcoming events:
Past events:
International Workshop on Quantum Compilation
(IWQC 2024). Sept 11–12, 2024
Berlin, Germany.
- 21st International
Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2024).
Buenos Aires, July 15–19, 2024.
- Workshop
on quantum circuit design automation,
Okanagan, June 2–7, 2024.
- 4th
International Workshop on Programming Languages for
Quantum Computing (PLanQC 2024).
London, January 2024.
- Workshop
on Subfactors and Fusion (2-)categories,
Banff, December 3–8, 2023.
- Dagger
Higher Categories.
Online, June 12–15, 2023.
- Atlantic
TQFT Spring School.
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, May 1–5, 2023.
- 5th International Workshop on
Quantum Compilation (IWQC 2023). Paris, July 22–23, 2023.
- 20th International
Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2023).
Paris, July 17–21, 2023.
- 29th Workshop on
Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC
2023). Halifax, July 11–14, 2023.
- 13th
International Workshop on Developments in Computational Models
(DCM 2023). Rome, July 2, 2023
- 30th
Workshop on Foundational Methods in Computer
Science (FMCS 2023). Mount Allison
University, June 7–11 2023.
- 2023 Summer Meeting of
the Canadian Mathematical Society, Ottawa, June
2–5, 2023.
- 3rd
International Workshop on Programming Languages for
Quantum Computing (PLanQC 2022).
Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sept 11–16, 2022.
- 29th Workshop on Foundational Methods in Computer
Science (FMCS 2022). University
of Calgary, June 1–26,
- Mini-course on Equivariant Derived
Categories. Speaker: Geoffrey Vooys. Dalhousie University
and Memorial, Apr 25–29, 2022.
- Mini-course on Tensor Topology. Speaker: Chris Heunen. Memorial University
and Dalhousie, November 15–19, 2021.
- Mini-course
on GAP. Speaker: Leandro Vendramin. Memorial University and Dalhousie,
January 13–17, 2020.
- Science Atlantic
Conference for Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
(Science Atlantic 2019). Dalhousie, October 25–27, 2019.
- 26th Workshop on Foundational Methods in Computer
Science (FMCS 2018). Mount Allison
University, May 31–June 2,
- 15th International
Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2018). Halifax,
June 3–7, 2018.
- 34th International Conference on Mathematical
Foundations of Programming Semantics (MFPS 2018). Halifax,
June 6–9, 2018.
- Dagstuhl Seminar on Quantum Programming
Languages. Dagstuhl, Germany, September
16–21, 2018
- International
Conference on Category Theory (CT
2016). Halifax, August 7–13, 2016.
- 2016 AARMS summer school. Halifax, July 11 – August 5, 2016.
- 13th International
Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2016). Glasgow,
June 6–10, 2016.
- Workshop
on Quantum Computer Science. Banff International Research
Station, Alberta, Canada, April 17–22, 2016.
- 12th International
Workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2015). Oxford,
July 15–17, 2015.
- Workshop
on Quantum Programming and Circuits. Waterloo, June
8–11, 2015.
- Fall
Eastern Sectional Meeting of the American Mathematical
Society, Session
on "New
Directions in Category Theory", and Session
on "Hopf
Algebras", Halifax, October 18–19, 2014.
- 11th
International Workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL
2014). Kyoto, June 4–6, 2014.
- 10th International Workshop on
Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2013). Barcelona,
July 17–19, 2013.
- CMS Summer
Meeting 2013, Session on "Hopf Algebras and Tensor
Categories", and Session on "Progress in Higher Categories",
Halifax, June 4–7, 2013.
- 21st
Workshop on Foundational Methods in Computer
Science (FMCS 2013). Mount Allison
University, May 31–June 3,
- 9th
International Workshop on Quantum Physics and
Logic (QPL 2012). Brussels, October
10–12, 2012.
- 20th
Workshop on Foundational Methods in Computer
Science (FMCS 2012), Halifax, Canada, June
- Logic and Interaction Weeks
2012, CIRM, Marseille, France, Jan 30 – Mar 16, 2012.
- 8th International Workshop
on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL
2011). Nijmegen, October 27–29, 2011.
- Category
Theory "Octoberfest" Workshop, Oct 23–24, 2010,
- International
Conference on Category Theory (CT
2010), June 20–26, 2010.
- CMS Summer
Meeting 2010, Session on Tensor Categories,
Fredericton, June 4–6, 2010.
- 7th
International Workshop on Quantum Physics and
Logic (QPL 2010), May 29–30, 2010,
- Mathematical
Foundations of Programming Semantics (MFPS
2010), May 6–10, 2010.
- Foundational
Methods in Computer Science (FMCS'08),
International Category Theory Conference (CT
2006), June 25 – July 1, 2006.
Postdoctoral Researchers:
Graduate Students:
Undergraduate Students:
Research Associates:
Former Members: