Edward Susko
Statistical Consulting Service
Statistics Undergraduate Advisor and Honours Coordinator
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Dalhousie University

Telephone: (902) 494-8865
Fax : (902) 494-5130
Office: Room 202 in the Chase Building
email: edward.susko@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3H 4R2
I am interested, generally, in statistical inference and applications. My main research focus has been in computational biology and bioinformatics with a particular emphasis on statistical issues in molecular evolution. Much of my work has been devoted to statistical methods for and analysis of sequence data. Example areas of interest include bootstrapping and inferential methods that are robust to model misspecification, methods for more realistic models of protein evolution and assessing statistical uncertainty about phylogenetic trees.