Statistics Undergraduate Advising

Advisor: Edward Susko
Office: Room 202 in the Chase Building


Other Advisors

- For Actuarial Science advising, contact Dr. Toby Kenney <>
- For Mathematics advising, contact Dr. Julien Ross <>
- For Co-op advising and information, contact Dr. Robert Milson <>
- For information about the
Certificate in Data Analytics, contact Dr. Theodore Kolokolnikov<>


Calendar Entries

Statistics entry from the Dalhousie Academic Calendar
- Statistics Courses from the Dalhousie Academic Calendar
General College of Arts and Science regulations and requirements from the Dalhousie Academic Calendar
Academic calendars from previous years


Statistics Honours Programs

Concentrated Honours requirements
Combined Honours requirements
Honours Application Form
- Selected Honours Theses

You should apply for admission to the honours program in your third year of studies. Applications should be complete by the end of your third year (by the start of June). Final decisions about admissions will be made during the summer. In order to apply to the Combined or Concentrated Honours Program in Statistics with Statistics as your primary subject (defined as the subject with the larger number of credits at the second year or above) you need to have found a willing and eligible supervisor for your Honours Research Project (STAT4950). Statistics faculty (including adjunct professors) can act as supervisors.


Statistics Major and Minor Programs

- Requirements for a Major in Statistics
Requirements for a Double Major in Statistics and another topic
Requirements for a Minor in Statistics


Additional Degree Requirement Information

General Information about Minors Programs



Academic Timetable