The conference proceedings is a collection of the submitted extended abstracts by the presenters. It neatly summarizes the ideas presented in a bound volume. Due to numerous requests for copies of the proceedings we have produced a new printing that can be ordered.
Please send us your name, complete mailing address and the number of copies you would like to order, along with a check, bank draft, money order or purchase order that is made payable to 'Dalhousie University' and mail to:
Dr. Glen Lesins
Global Warming Conference
Department of Physics
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3H 3J5
For Canadian and US customers the cost is $ 50.00 Canadian (or $ 40.00 US) per copy.
For other destinations the cost is $ 60.00 Canadian (or $ 50.00 US) per copy.
Price includes shipping.
Sorry, but we are unable to accept credit cards.
You can wire the money directly to our account. The wire should specify that the funds
are for Dalhousie University, Department of Physics (Global Warming Conference) along with
the sender's name and address. It is wired to:
Bank of Nova Scotia #70003-002
1709 Hollis St.
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 2M1
If in Canadian funds the account is 17-16, Telex Dept., Attn: Amy MacDonald
If in Foreign funds (USA) the account is 2784-16, Foreign Exchange, Attn: Karen Clarke
If you are wiring the money, please email us that you have done so and include your full name and mailing address to