The First International Conference on Global Warming and The Next Ice Age
Petr Chylek and Glen Lesins
The First International Conference on Global Warming and the next Ice Age (organized by Petr Chylek, Petr.Chylek@Dal.Ca, and Glen Lesins, Glen.Lesins@Dal.Ca) took place at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, between August 20-24, 2001. The Conference was co-sponsored by the American Meteorological Society, the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society and the European Space Agency. More than a hundred scientists from thirteen countries attended the Conference. It was one of the largest meetings devoted exclusively to climate change ever held in Canada.
The main purpose of the meeting was to gather scientists with very different views on the current climate change and to allow them an opportunity to present their opinion, to listen to other viewpoints and to promote open discussion. Fifteen of the scientists attending the Conference also served as co-authors or reviewers of the 2001 IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report, which represents the current "consensus" view on climate change, ascribing most of the current warming to the anthropogenic production of carbon dioxide. However, other views suggesting that a considerable fraction of the current warming trend may be caused by changes in ocean circulation, variability of solar output and by natural variability of a complicated nonlinear climate system were also presented.
Since it was expected that different opinions on the cause of current climate change would create some amount of disharmony among the attending scientists, each morning session started with a mini-concert of classical music (Jubilee String Quartet, violin and cello, and classical guitar). The attending scientists had a unique opportunity to listen to a rare Stradivarius cello, played by Denise Djokic. All present highly appreciated the music.
The topics discussed at the Conference could be divided into three categories: (1) Observations, (2) Interpretation, and (3) The Next Ice Age. The main points raised were as follows.
It has been also suggested that due to the increased levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gases, the next ice age may never come (a blessing for Canada).
Suggestions for all the inhabitants of the Earth, including the "policy makers"