Call for Papers
The purpose of the conference is to bring together people
from all branches of mathematics and science with interests in recurrence
sequences, their applications and generalizations, and other special number
Papers and abstracts should be submitted in duplicate by May 1, 2006 to
W. Webb
Department of Mathematics
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-3113
Phone: 509-335-3150
Electronic submissions, preferably in AMS-TeX, may be sent to
Schedule of talks:
Please download:
Conference registration:
Please download registration form:
[.pdf] or
Local Information
Housing information can be found here;
This can also be downloaded:
[.pdf] or
Housing reservation:
[.pdf] or
For further local information, please contact
Neville Robbins
Mathematics Department
San Francisco State University
San Francisco, CA 94132
More details, as they become available, will be posted here.
Local Organizer: Neville Robbins
Conference Organizer: W. Webb
International Committee
H. Harborth (Germany)
Y. Horibe (Japan)
F.T. Howard (USA)
R.D. Knott (UK)
J. Lahr (Luxembourg)
F. Luca (Mexico)
A. Shannon (Australia)
L. Somer (USA.)
J. Turner (New Zealand)