QPL 2018 Accepted Talks
Matthew Amy.
Towards large-scale functional verification of universal quantum circuits.
Miriam Backens and Aleks Kissinger.
ZH: A complete graphical calculus for quantum computations involving classical non-linearity.
Andrew N. Glaudell, Neil J. Ross and Jacob M. Taylor.
Canonical forms for single-qutrit Clifford+T operators.
Tomáš Gonda, Ravi Kunjwal, David Schmid, Elie Wolfe and Ana Belén Sainz.
Almost quantum correlations are inconsistent with Specker’s principle.
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Matty Hoban and Ana Belén Sainz.
A channel-based framework for steering, non-locality and beyond.
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Mathieu Huot and Sam Staton.
Categorical universal properties in quantum theory.
Benjamin Musto and Jamie Vicary.
Orthogonality for quantum Latin isometry squares.
Jonathan Richens, John Selby and Sabri Al-Safi.
Entanglement is necessary for emergent classicality in all physical theories.
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Ana Belén Sainz, Yelena Guryanova, Antonio Acín and Miguel Navascués.
Almost quantum correlations violate the no-restriction hypothesis.
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John Selby and Jamie Sikora.
Cone programs and generalised probabilistic theories.
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