Martino A. Arkowitz. Dartmouth College. "A survey of the group of homotopy classes of homotopy self equivalences of a space" (abstract)
Kristine Bauer, Univerity of Calgary. "Spectral sequences of operad algebras" (abstract)
Kristine Bauer, Univerity of Calgary. "Towards an unbased theory of calculus" (abstract)
Peter Booth, Memorial University. "On the classification of three stage Postnikov towers" (abstract)
Marek Golasinski*, Nicolaus Copernicus University and Daciberg Lima Goncalves, University of São Paulo. "Recent developments in free actions of fine groups on homotopy spheres" (abstract)
John Harper, University of Rochester. "p-local finite H-spaces with rank equal to p-1" (abstract)
Daciberg Lima Goncalves, University of São Paulo. "Fundamental group of the space of maps between surfaces" (abstract)
Daniel Gottlieb, Purdue University. "Eigenbundles, Quaternions and Berry's Phase" (abstract)
Norio Iwase, Kyushu Univerity. "Topological complexity is a fibrewise L-S category" (abstract)
Don Kahn, University of Minnesota. "Homotopy rigid spaces" (abstract)
Daisuke Kishimoto, Kyoto University, "Homotopy nilpotency in localized Lie groups" (abstract)
Ken-Ichi Maruyama, Chiba University. "On the rank of the group of self-homotopy equivalences" (abstract)
Kaoru Morisugi, Wakayama University. "Relative EHP sequence" (abstract)
Juno Mukai, Shinshu University. "Gottlieb groups of projective spaces" (abstract)
Petar Pavesic, University of Lubljana, "Characteristic classes of self-homotopy equivelances"
Dorette Pronk, Dalhousie University, "Equivariant homotopy theory for orbifolds"(abstract)
John Rutter, University of Liverpool, "Groups of homotopyself-equivalences of lens spaces and of 2-dimensional cellular models of combinatorially aspherical groups"(abstract)
Sam Smith, Saint Joseph's University. "Actions of spaces of self-equivalences on the components of a function space" (abstract)
Jeff Strom, Western Michigan University. "Miller Spaces and Spherical Resolvability of Finite Complexes" (abstract)