Professor Ammar M. Sarhan

- UTF at Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, Dalhousie University, Canada.
- Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt.

·         Office:  Chase Building, Room 105

  • Office Phone(902) 494-1981
  • Office Fax:      (902) 494-5130
  • E-mail:
  • Office hours: by appointment



Ph.D.  - Mathematical Statistics from Department of Real Functions and Probability Theory, Gdansk University, Poland (1996)

M.Sc. - Applied Math from Department of Mathematics, Mansours University, Egypt (1989)

B.Sc. – Mathematics from Department of Mathematics, Mansoura University, Egypt (1985), Excellent with honor degree First in class.

Teaching Fall 2018 / Winter 2019

·         Stat 5130-4130 Bayesian Computations

·         Stat 1060 Introductory Statistics for Science and Health Sciences

·         Math 2060 / Stat 2060 Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences 

Research Interests

·         Reliability and survival analysis

·         Reliability equivalence factors

·         Statistical inference using Bayesian and non-Bayesian methods

·         Statistical inference based on masked data

·         Statistical computing

·         Competing risks models

·         Univariate and multivariate distributions

Current Grad Students

·         Omar Algamdi – Ph.D., Dalhousie University

·         Thamer Manshi – Ph.D., Dalhousie University

·         Vishal SoodMs.C., Dalhousie University

Past Grad Students


·         Mansour A. Al-Ameri, Statistical analysis of competing risks models, King Saud University, July 2009.

·         Ahlam Hamdy, Analysis of Reliability Shock Models, Mansoura University, Sept 2018.


·         Abdel-Rahmanli Karawia, Bayes and empirical Bayes procedures in reliability theory, Mansoura University, June 1999

·         Abdel-Fatah Mustafa, Reliability equivalence of systems, Mansoura University, Oct 2002

·         Mansour A. Al-Ameri , Parameter estimations using partial information, King Saud University, May 2003

·         Faysal Al-Motarey , Study of queuing network models, King Saud University, Jan 2003

·         Najeeb Al-Matar, Effect of the server capacity distribution on the optimal control of a bulk service queuing system, King Saud University, June 2004

·         Ali Al-Fozan, Statistical Estimators for System's Reliability Components using Masked Data, King Saud University, May 2005.

·         Mohamed Al-Saadi, Reliability equivalence factors of systems, King Saud University, June 2006.

·         Ibtsam Abdusalam, Using progressive censored data in the statistical inference, King Saud University, April 2007.

·         Saad Al-Malki, Some useful generalized statistical distributions, King Saud University, June 2007.

·         Safar El-Ghamdy, A new class of generalized distributions, King Saud University, May 2008.

·         Ismail Furjani, Bayesian Analysis of a new family of lifetime distributions, Dalhousie University, August 2017.

·         Afaf Alzahrani, Analysis of multistate competing risks models, Dalhousie University, August, 2018.


      Ph.D. External examiner

·         Ajay Kumar, Ph.D. (Mathematics) Reliability Analysis of Industrial Systems using GA and Fuzzy Approach. Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, August 2009

·         Ashok Shanubhogue, Ph.D. (Mathematics) Reliability Analysis using Fuzziness of Real-time Based Industrial Processes. Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, April 2010

·         Monika Rani, Ph.D. (Mathematics) Reliability Optimization of some Industrial Systems using ABC technique. Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, October 2013.

·         Bhoopendra Pachauri, Ph.D. (Mathematics) Modeling and Analysis of Software Reliability Growth Behavior and Optimal Release Policy using Soft-Computing Techniques. ABV – Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior (M.P.) India, September 2014.

·         S. Kasthuri, Ph.D. (Mathematics) A study on some stochastic life time models in reliability, Islamiah College, Bangladesh,  November 2014.

·        Panwar Poonam, Ph.D. (Mathematics) Optimal Software Reliability and Optimal Software Reliability and Optimal Multiprocessor Scheduling Problems, Thapar University, INDIA, July 2017.

       Current Committees:

·         Dalhousie Senate, September, Sept 2018 – to current

·         Senate Discipline Committee, Sept 2018 – to current

·         First Year Committee, Sept 2014 – to current


      Journals Edited

·         International Journal of Reliability and Its Applications.

·         International Scholarly Research Network ( 


     Visiting Positions

·         June 15 – July 15, 2004    Visiting Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University, Canada, invited by Professor N. Balakrishnan

     Reviews and Referring

o   Journal of Multivariate Analysis

o   Journal of Statistical Planning and Inferences

o   Communication in Statistics – Theory and Methods

o   Communication in Statistics – Simulation

o   Pakistan Journal of Statistics

o   Reliability Engineering and System Safety

o   Computers and Industrial Engineering

o   IEEE Transi. on Reliability

o   International Journal of Reliability and its applications

o   Signal Processing

o    Quality Technology and Quantitative Management

o   Bulletin of Statistics and Economics

o   Physica A


List of Publications

A) International Journals

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, The Bivariate generalized Rayleigh distribution, Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Modelling. To appear.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Bayesian analysis of the discrete two-parameter bathtub hazard distribution, Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods. Submitted.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Awad I. El-Gohary, Abdelfattah Mustafa and Ahlam H.Tolba, Statistical Analysis of Regression Competing Risks Model with Covariates using Weibull Sub-Distributions, International Journal of Reliability and Application. Submitted.     

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, A two-parameter discrete distribution with a bathtub hazard shape, for Statistical Applications and Methods 2017; 24: 15-27.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan Awad I. El-Gohary, Ahlam H. Tolba, Statistical Analysis of a Competing Risks Model with Weibull Sub-distributions,  Applied Mathematics, 2017, 8(11); 1671-1683.

·         Fahimah A. Alawadhi, Ammar M. Sarhan and David C. Hamilton, Marshall-Olkin extended two-parameter bathtub-shaped lifetime distribution, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2016, 86(18):1-14.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, David C. Hamilton and B. Smith, Estimation of P (Y<X) for a two-parameter bath-tub shaped failure rate distribution, International Journal of Statistics and Probability, 2015, 4(2), 33-45.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Joseph Apaloo, Inferences for a two-parameter lifetime distribution with bathtub shaped hazard  based on censored data, International Journal of Statistics and Probability; 2015, 4(4); 77-92,

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Lotfi Tadj, and David Hamilton, A New Lifetime Distribution and its Power Transformation, Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2014.

·         Abdelfattah Mustafa and Ammar M. Sarhan, Availability Equivalence Factors of a General Repairable Parallel-Series System, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, 5, 1713-1723.       

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Abd EL-Baset A. Ahmad and Ibtesam A. Alasbahi,, Exponentiated Generalized Exponential Linear Distribution Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 37, Issue 5, 1 March 2013, Pages 2838-2849.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Joseph Apaloo, Exponentiated modified Weibull extension distribution, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 112, April 2013, Pages 137-144.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, A. Mustafa, Availability equivalence factors of a general repairable series-parallel system, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Volume 14, (1), 11-26.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, David C. Hamilton and B. Smith, Parameter estimation for a two-parameter bathtub-shaped lifetime distribution, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 36, Issue 11, November 2012, Pages 5380–5392.

·         D. Kundu , Ammar M. Sarhan and R.D. Gupta, On Sarhan-Balakrishnan bivariate distribution, Journal of Statistics and Probability, vol. 1, no. 3, 163 - 170, 2012.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Karawia, Parameter estimates of the generalized linear failure rate distribution, International Journal of Reliability and Application, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2012; 91-104,    

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, David C. Hamilton, B. Smith and D. Kundu, Bivariate generalized linear failure rate distribution, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2011, 644-654

·         Zaindin M. and Ammar M. Sarhan, New generalized Weibull distribution, Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 20011, Vol. 27(1).

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and Mamdouh Montaser, Parameter estimations of linear failure rate distribution using progressively type-II censored data, Applied Science, 2010.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, David C. Hamilton and Bruce Smith, Statistical analysis of competing risks models, Reliab Eng Syst Safety, 2010,Vol. 95 (9), 953-962.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and A. S. Al-Ruzaiza, Statistical inference of Weibull model using progressively Type-II censored data with random scheme, Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 2010,Vol. 26(1), 267-279.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, A. El-Gohary, A.H. El-Bassiouny and N. Balakrishnan, Mixture of bivariate linear failure rate distributions, International Journal of Reliability and its applications, 2010.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Reliability equivalence factors of a general series-parallel system, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2009, Vol. 94,   229-236.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Generalized quadratic failure rate distribution. International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, 2009, Volume 14(S09), 94-106.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and D. Kundu, Generalized linear failure rate distribution, Communication in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 2009, Volume 38(5), 642 – 660.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and M. Zaindin, Modified Weibull distribution, Applied Science, 2009, Volume 11, 123-136.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and S. Al-Ghamdi, Estimations of the parameters of the generalized quadratic hazard rate distribution using Type-II censored data, Journal of Mathematical Sciences - Advances and Application, 2009, Vol.  2(1), 85-104.

·         M. Zaindin and Ammar M. Sarhan, Parameters estimation of the modified Weibull distribution, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2009, Vol. 3, no. 11, 541 – 549.

·         Ismail and Ammar M. Sarhan, Optimal Design of Step-Stress Life Test with Progressively type-II Censored Exponential Data, International Mathematical Forum, 4, 2009, no. 40, 1963 - 1976. 

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and D. Kundu, Bayes estimators for reliability measures in a geometric distribution model using masked system life test data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2008, vol. 52, no. 4, 1821-1836.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Tadj, L. and Al-Malki, Estimation of the parameters of the generalized linear failure rate distribution, Bulletin of Statistics & Economics (BSE), 2008, Vol. 2(S08), 52-63.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Abuammoh, Statistical Inference using progressively Type-II censored data with random scheme, International Mathematical Forum, 2008, 3, no. 35, 1713 – 1725.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, L. Tadj, Inference using record values from generalized Rayleigh distribution with application, Bulletin of Statistics & Economics (BSE), 2008, Vol. 2(A08), 72-85.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, M. Al-Amrei and I. Al-Wasel, Analysis of progressive censoring competing risks data with binomial removals, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2008, Vol. 2, No. 20, 965 - 976.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, L. Tadj, A. Al-Khodari and A. Mustafa, Equivalence factors of a parallel- series system, Applied Sciences, 2008, Vol.10, 219-230.

·         L. Tadj, Ammar M. Sarhan, and A. El-Gohary, Optimal control of an inventory system with ameliorating and deteriorating items, Applied Sciences, 2008, Vol.10,   243-255.

·         M. Montaser and Ammar M. Sarhan, Reliability equivalence factors of a parallel system with nonidentical components, Intrenational Journal of Reliability and Applications, 2008, Vol. 9 (1),  95-112.

·         Al-Khodairi, Ammar M. Sarhan and L. Tadj, Parameter estimations of the generalized Rayleigh distribution, International Journal of Reliability & Application, 2008, Vol. 9, 1-13.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Analysis of incomplete, censored data in competing risks models with generalized exponential distributions, IEEE Transi. on Reliability, 2007, Vol. 56(1), 132-139.

·         A.  Abuammoh and Ammar M. Sarhan, Parameters estimators for the generalized exponential distribution, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, 2007,Vol. 8, 1,   17-025.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, F. M. Guess and J. S. Usher, Estimators for reliability measures in a geometric distribution model using dependent masked system life test data, IEEE Transi. on Reliability, 2007,Vol. 56 (2), 312-320.

·         A.  Mustafa, Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Al-Ruzaiza, Reliability equivalence of a parallel-series system, Pakistan Journal   of Statistics, 2007,Vol. 23, (3), 241-254.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and N. Balakrishnan, A new class of bivariate distributions and its mixture, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2007,Vol. 98(7), 1508-1527. 

·         Ammar M. Sarhan,

·         Estimations of the parameters in a two-component system using dependent masked data, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, 2006, Vol. 7, No.1,   129-145.

·         Debasis Kundu and Ammar M. Sarhan, Analysis of incomplete data in presence of competing risks among several groups, IEEE Transi. on Reliability, 2006, Vol. 55(2), 270-280.

·         Awad El-Gohary and Ammar M. Sarhan. The distributions of sums, products, ratios and differences for Marshall-Olkin bivariate exponential distribution, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2006.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Mustafa. Reliability equivalence of a series system consists of n independent and non-identical components, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, 2006, Vol. 7, No. 2.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and L. Tadj. Parameters estimations of a Weibull model using dependent masked data, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2006, Vol. 19, No. 1,   105-124.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, A. M. Abouammoh, and M. Al-Ameri, Exact maximum likelihood estimation using masked system life test data, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, 2006, Vol. 7, No. 1,   41-5.

·         Awad El-Gohary and Ammar M. Sarhan, Optimal control and synchronization of Lorenz system with complete unknown parameters, Journal of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2006, Vol. 30(5),   1122-1132.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Reliability equivalence factors of a parallel system, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2005, Vol. 87, 405-411.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and A. El-Gohary, Parameter estimations in the complementary Weibull reliability model, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, 2005, Vol. 6, 41-51.

·         Awad El-Gohary and Ammar M. Sarhan, Estimations of the parameters in a three nonindependent component series system subjected to sources of shocks, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2005, Vo. 160, Issue 1, 29-40.

·         S. Al-Ruzaiza and A. M. Sarhan, Estimators for parameters included in cold standby systems with imperfect switches, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, 2005, Vol. 6(2),  65-78.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Reliability equivalence factors of a bridge network system, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, 2004, Vol. 5(2), 81-103.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Parameter estimations in a general hazard rate model using masked data, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2004, Vol. 153, Issue 2, 513-536.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Parameter estimations in linear failure rate model using masked data, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2004, Vol. 151, Issue 1, 233-249.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, A. S. Al-Ruzaiza, 1. A. Alwasel and Awad El-Gohary, Reliability equivalence of a series-parallel system, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2004, Vol. 154, Issue 1,    257-277.

·         Ahmed H. El-Bassiouny, Ammar M. Sarhan and M. Al-Garian, Testing Exponentiality Against NBUFR (NWUFR), Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2004, 149, 351-358.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan,Estimations of parameters in Pareto reliability model using masked data, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2003, 82, 75-83.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Nonparametric empirical Bayes procedure, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2003, 80, 115-122.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Empirical Bayes estimates in exponential reliability model, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2003, 135(2-3): 319-332.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Estimation of system components reliabilities using masked data, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2003, Vol. 136(l): 79-92.

·         Lotfi Tadj and A.M. Sarhan. Effect of the server capacity distribution on the optimal control of a bulk service queuing system, Journal of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2003, Vol. 18, 1101-1110.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and Ahmed H. El-Bassiouny, Estimation of components reliability in a parallel system using masked system life data, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2003, Vol. 138(l): 61-75.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and Awad El-Gohary, Parameter estimations of I-out-of-2: G repairable system, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2003, Vol. 145, Issues 2-3, 469-479.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and Lotfi Tadj, Parameters estimation of a repairable system, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2003, Vol. 138(2-3), 217-226.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Reliability equivalence with a basic series/parallel system, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2002,Vol. 132(l): 115-133.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and A. M. Abouammoh, Joint Structural Importance of two Components, International Journal of reliability and applications, 2002, Vol. 3(4), 173-183. 

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Reliability estimations of components from masked system life data, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2001, Vol.  74(l), 107-113.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, The Bayes procedure in exponential reliability family models using conjugate convex tent prior family, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2001, Vol. 7(1), 97-102.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and A.M. Abouammoh, Reliability of k-out-of-n nonrepairable systems with nonindependent components subjected to common shocks, Microelectronics Reliability, 2001, Vol. (4), 617-621.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and A.M. Abouammoh, Reliability of k-out-of-n cold standby system with imperfect switches, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, 2001, Vol. 2(4), 253-262. 

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Reliability equivalence of independent and non-identical components series systems, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2000, Vol.  67(3), 293-300.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Empirical Bayes estimators of indexed parameters of exponential families, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1999, Vol. 1 (4), 365-3 71.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Bayes estimation of the general hazard rate model, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 1999, Vol.  66(l),   85-91.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Karawia, 1999, Empirical Bayes estimators for exponential reliability measures, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 1(5),   521-528. 

·         F. Grabski and Ammar M. Sarhan, Empirical Bayes estimation in the case of exponential reliability, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 1996, Vol. 53(2), 105-113.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Bayesian estimation of the Service factors of repairable system components, Advances in Modeling and Analysis, C, AMSE Press, France, 1995, Vol. 46, No. 3, 47-53.

·         F. Grabski and Ammar M. Sarhan, Bayesian estimation in exponential reliability, Advances in Modeling and Analysis, B, AMSE Press, France, 1995, Vol. 34 No. 1, 33-43.

·         F. Grabski and Ammar M. Sarhan,

·         Bayesian estimation of the Weibull reliability, Zagadnienia Eksplotacjin Masun, Poland, 1995, Vol. 101, No. 1, 29-36.

·         F. Grabski and Ammar M. Sarhan, Bayesian estimation of parameters of two nonindependent components exponential series system, Zagadnienia Eksplotacjin Maszyn, Poland, 1995, Vol. 102, No. 2,  175-187.

·         F. Grabski and Ammar M. Sarhan.  Notes on prior distribution in Bayesian estimation of the Weibull scale parameter, Preprint in the University of Gdansk, Poland, 1995, No. 109.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Bayesian estimation in the Weibull reliability with a known shape parameter, Preprint in the University of Gdansk, Poland, 1994, No. 105.

·         F. Grabski and Ammar M. Sarhan, The Bayesian point and interval estimation of parameters of exponential reliability, Zeszyty Nankowe Akademii Marynarki Wojennej, Poland, 1994, Volume XX-XVNO. 11120.

C)  Conferences

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Statistical Analysis of Competing Risks Data, the 2nd Kuwait Statistical Sciences Conference, November 7-8, 2018, Kuwait City, Kuwait.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and Afaf Al Zahrany, Statistical Inference of a Competing Risks Model using TPBT Distribution, 46th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada. June 3-6, 2018 at the McGill University, Montreal, Québec, Canada.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Bayes Inferences of the power Lindley distribution, The 3rd International Conference on New Horizons in Basic and Applied Sciences [ICNHBAS 2017], August 5-7, 2017, Hurghada, Egypt.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan,

·         A two parameter Discrete Distribution with a bathtub hazard shape, 2nd Researchers-Statisticians and Young Statisticians Congress, May 4-8, 2016, Ankara, Turkey.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Joseph Apaloo, The Bivariate Two Parameter Bathtub Hazard Rate Distribution, 43rd Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, June 14-17, 2015 at Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Marshall-Olkin extended two-parameter bathtub-shaped lifetime distribution, The 26th Annual International Conference on Statistics and Modeling in Human and Social Sciences, March 25-27, 2014, Cairo, Egypt.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Exponentiated Modified Weibull Extension Distribution, 40th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada. June 3-6, 2012 at the University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, M. Al-Amrei and I. Al-Wasel,

·         Analysis of incomplete data in competing risks models with generalized Weibull distributions, Conference in Statistics & 25-26 March, Cairo, Egypt.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and I. Al-Asbahi,

·         Statistical Inference for the linear exponential model using progressively censored data, Conference in Statistics & 25-26 March, Cairo, Egypt.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, M. Abokalam and A. Al-Fozan, Parameters estimations in Pareto reliability model using dependent masked system life-test data, The seventh Conference of the Saudi Association of Mathematical Sciences, 7-8 April, 2004, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and M. Al-Saadi, Reliability equivalence of a non-identical component series parallel system, The seventh Conference of the Saudi Association of Mathematical Sciences, 7-8 April, 2004, Price Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Mustafa.  Reliability equivalence factors of a complex system, The Annual Conference ISSR December, May 7-10, 2000, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, Components reliability estimations from masked system life test data, The fifth Conference of the Saudi Association of Mathematical Sciences, 11-12 April,2000, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Mustafa, Reliability equivalence of independent and non-identical components series systems, The Annual Conference ISSR Cairo University, Egypt, 1999.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and A. Karawia, Empirical Bayes estimates of exponential reliability measures, Conference of Statistics and Computers and their applications, Cairo, Egypt, 1999.

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, An Empirical Bayes procedure. International Congress of Mathematics, August 18-27, 1998, Berlin, Germany.

D) Workshops

·         Ammar M. Sarhan, D.C. Hamilton and B. Smith, Analysis of a competing risks model with the Chen distribution. Atlantic Mathematical Biology Workshop, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, CANADA, 27 April, 2009.

E) Books

·         Ammar M. Sarhan and L. Tadj, Introduction to Reliability Theory, King Saud University, 2011.

·         L. Tadj and Ammar M. Sarhan, Introduction to Stochastic Processes, King Saud University, 2008.