Mike Boschat's Astronomy Page

My 60 anniversary of doing Astronomy - 1960-2020

My name is Mike Boschat and I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia,Canada

I am retired from Atmospheric Science Department at Dalhousie University were I use to maintained our Aeronet Sunphotometer since 2001 and do my astronomy

Main Aeronet Sunphotometer page is: Aeronet Sunphotometer page

Our new site data is here: Halifax site data

We have a weather site on Dal roof at:Dalhousie Atmospheric Observatory

Site #2 - Site#2 data in Farhenheit

My main interests are: Lunar, Solar, Meteors/Radio Meteors and looking for NLC ( Notilucent Clouds ). I own the following telescopes: Soviet made: 80mm (3.2 in),f/10,800mm focal length refractor. In 1983 I received the 8cm (3.2in),f/10, 800mm focal length refractor click here as a gift by the amateurs there for my cooperation,observations and long time friendship. Soviet TAL 75-R (75mm, 600mm fl, f/8 ) refractor, Soviet TAL-1 Newtonian reflector (110mm, 800mm fl, f/7.3 ). My 20x60,7x50, and 10x50 binoculars were made in the Soviet Union.

I also have an older orange 1970-79's Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain C8 200mm (8 in),f/10,2000mm focal length - which has a crack in the corrector! BUT still produces great images, also: Sky-Watcher 127mm Maksutov, 127mm (5.1in),f/12,1500mm focal length, an older 1998 model ETX90 Astro Maksutov 90mm (3.6in),f/13,1250mm focal length, and a PST (Personal Solar Telescope) 40mm (1.6in),f/10,400mm focal length which allows viewing the Sun in Hydrogen Alpha light

I am a member of the following: Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, NLC CanAm - Noticlucent Cloud, BAA - Solar Section,and a Soviet Meteor Observer's Group.

I have been studying astronomy for 64 years now ever since reading "Your Book of Astronomy" in 1960 by the late British author Sir Patrick Moore, with whom I corresponded with till his passing in 2012.


  • Sun reporting BAA site - white light

  • Sun reporting BAA site - Ha light



    Click here for Astro Images


    VASILY V. MARTYNENKO - Soviet Meteor Astronomer and friend - ( 31 July 1930 - 26 November 2000 )

    Click here Vasily V. Martynenko


    SIR PATRICK MOORE - ( 4 March 1923 - 9 December 2012 )- Astronomer,broadcaster of the longest running astronomy TV program in Britian - "The Sky at Night" ran from 24 April 1957 until 7 January 2013. The latter date was a posthumous broadcast, which followed Moore's death on 9 December 2012

    Click here Sir Patrick Moore bio


    Click here for the:

  • Light Pollution Map of Halifax

    Clear Sky Clock Homepage ( Canada )

    To see Halifax sky clock click here: Halifax Clear Sky Clock

    The US Official Time Clock at: USOTC


    Astronomy calculator,eclipses,sunrise,moonrise ect

    Nova Scotia webcams

    NS Webcams


    SOME OF MY DISCOVERIES USING THE INTERNET (some shared with other amateurs)

    My first and last FMO (Fast Moving Object - Near Earth Asteroid) discovery - October 13, 2005

    FMO Image

    My Kreutz comet discoveries using the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory ( SOHO ) since February 10, 2000 AD

    Discoveries to date= 60

    My SOHO discoveries

    My 2 Kuiper Belt Objects I helped find- 2004 LV31 AND 2004 LW31

    M.P.E.C. 2012-F109 Issued 2012 Mar. 30, 18:17 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

    IAU Circular

    KBO's orbits


    March 22/23, 2001 - Day the Soviet "MIR" Space Station Died - 1986 to 2001 AD

    Photo of the Soviet MIR spacestation going through constellation of Ursa Major over Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 30 second exposure on Tri-X 400 ASA film with Soviet made Zenit-B camera and 50mm lens at f/2.MIR

    A Farewell Poem for MIR

    "Farewell MIR" by L. J. Thompson


    Astronomy Nova Scotia

    Astronomy Nova Scotia


    (c) Copyright 1999-2040 Michael Boschat

    A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, WEATHER, COMMUNIST SITES.

    Email address is: andromed@dal.ca

    Halifax,NS Weather

    Sun today

    Star Award Logo

    Awarded February 1997

    Thanks to http://www.3DFlags.com for use of the Canada and Soviet flags.

    Fly a Soviet MiG over Moscow, USSR
