Fall 2005 Peter Selinger |
Logic is the hygiene the mathematician practices to keep his ideas
healthy and strong.
See the updated Course Information Sheet. |
Final Marks (posted Dec 21). The final exam has been marked;
the marks, as well as your as yet (unofficial) course marks are on WebCT.
Marking: All problems on the final exam were okay, except problem 5 (proving the correctness of a "while" loop), which went badly. I calculated your marks with and without taking problem 5 into account, and took whichever mark was higher. I also dropped the lowest homework and the lowest quiz. Viewing your final exam: I am away until January 12; you are welcome to see your final exam after that date. Thanks to everybody for making this a great course, and have a great holiday! -- P. Selinger |
Handout 1: Translation and statement algebra
(Sep 8):
Handout 2: Rules of natural deduction (Sep 22): [ps] [pdf]. Handout 3: Natural Deduction for Quantifiers (Oct 11): [ps] [pdf]. Handout 4: Problems for Predicate Logic (Oct 7): [ps] [pdf]. Handout 5: Problems for Induction (Oct 27): [ps] [pdf]. Handout 6: Rules for Program Correctness Proofs (Nov 10): [ps] [pdf]. Handout 7: Program Correctness Proof Example (Nov 17): [ps] [pdf]. |
Worked-out natural deduction examples (Sep 28, updated Sep 29): [ps] [pdf]. |