CSCI/Math 2112, Discrete Structures I, Section 2
Fall 2005
Peter Selinger

Section 2, TTh 11:35-12:55

Previous Announcements

Homework 9 (posted Dec 13). The last remaining homework has been marked and will be available for pickup on Thursday. The marks are on WebCT.

Office hours (posted Dec 12). There are no more scheduled office hours. If you have questions, please email me to set up an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions (posted Dec. 2).

  • Question: Is there a tutorial on Dec 5? Answer: No.
  • Question: Does the final exam include the contents before the mid-term? Answer: Yes.

Homework 8. Homework 8 and Quiz 4 have been marked and are available for pickup in front of my office, 303 Chase. The marks are on WebCT.

Homeworks 6+7 (posted Nov. 9). Homeworks 6+7 have been marked and are available for pickup in front of my office, 303 Chase. The marks are on WebCT.

Change of classroom for one day again (posted Nov 7). On November 10, 11:30am-1:00pm, our class will be moved to Dunn 221C. This is a one-time change only.

Homework 5 (posted Oct 25). Homework 5 has been marked and are available for pickup in from of my office, 303 Chase. The marks are on WebCT.

Homework 4 (posted Oct 24). Homework 4, as well as Quiz 3, have been marked and are available for pickup in from of my office, 303 Chase. The marks are on WebCT.

Change of classroom for one day (posted Oct 11). On October 13, 11:30am-1:00pm, our class will be moved to Dunn 221C. This is a one-time change only.

Change of homework due date (posted Oct 7). Due to the long weekend, homework 4 is due on Tuesday, October 18, not Thursday, October 13 as previously announced.

Final exam (posted Oct 3). According to the registrar's webpage, our final exam will be on Friday, Dec 16 at 7pm. The final exam will be held in CSCI Rm 127.

Marked homework (Oct 3). Marked homeworks can be picked up from a box in front of my office, 303 Chase.

My office hours (posted Oct 2). My office hours are currently Mondays and Wednesdays 1-2pm, or by appointment. My office is 303 Chase.

Natural Deduction examples (Sep 28). Some worked-out examples of natural deduction are now on the website, see "Supplemental Materials" below.

Change of tutorial location (Sep 22). The location of Tutorial 1 (Monday 2:30-3:30) has changed from LSC C220 to McCain 2116.

Midterm (posted Sep 12). The midterm exam has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 26, 7-8:30pm in Dunn 117.

Textbook (Sep 9). Some students have had difficulties finding the textbook at the Dalhousie Bookstore in the Student Union Building. Look under MATH 2112, not CSCI 2112. The ISBN number is 0-534-35945-0.

Welcome to the course! (Sep 8) In this space, you will find up-to-date course information and announcements.

To Peter Selinger's Homepage: [home]
Peter Selinger / Department of Mathematics and Statistics / Dalhousie University
selinger@mathstat.dal.ca / PGP key