9:00-9:55: | Bill Lawvere: "The mathematical lives of Sammy and Saunders" |
10:00-10:55: | Walter Tholen: "Mac Lane and Factorizations" |
11:15-12:10: | Peter Freyd: "New structures on old categories" |
2:00-2:25: | Robert Paré: "Spans for 2-categories" |
2:30-2:55: | Thomas M. Fiore: "Double Categories and Pseudo Algebras" |
3:00-3:25: | John Iskra: "Smoothness in Zariski Categories" |
3:45-4:10: | Christine Vespa: "The functor category F_quad associated to quadratic spaces over F_2" |
4:15-4:40: | Paul Taylor: "On the Reaxiomatisation of General Topology" |
4:45-5:10 A: | Isar Stubbe: "Q-modules are Q-suplattices" |
4:45-5:10 B: | Michael J. Healy: "Applying Category Theory to Improve the Performance of a Neural Architecture" (with Richard D. Olinger, Robert J. Young, Thomas P. Caudell, K. Larson) |
5:15-5:40 A: | Claudio Pisani: "On the reflection and the coreflection of categories over a base in discrete fibrations" |
5:15-5:40 B: | Noson S. Yanofski: "Towards a Definition of an Algorithm" |
9:00-9:55: | Kathryn Hess: "Co-rings over operads" |
10:00-10:45: | Jiri Rosický: "Homotopy varieties" |
11:00-11:35: | Marco Grandis: "Fundamental lax 2-categories in Directed Algebraic Topology" |
11:40-12:15: | Ronnie Brown: "Some applications of crossed complexes" |
2:00-2:25: | Susan Niefield: "Exponentiability in Homotopy Slices of Top" |
2:30-2:55: | Thorsten Palm: "Categories with slicing" |
3:00-3:25: | Richard Steiner: "Omega-categories and chain homotopies" |
3:45-4:10: | Mike Johnson: "Constant complements, reversibility and universal view updates" (with Robert Rosebrugh) |
4:15-4:40: | Michel Hébert: "A Completeness Theorem for Injectivity Logic" (with J. Adámek and L. Sousa) |
4:45-5:10 A: | Elango Panchadcharam: "Mackey functors and Green functors" |
4:45-5:10 B: | Lurdes Sousa: "A complete orthogonality logic" (with J. Adámek and M. Hébert) |
5:15-5:40 A: | Jeffrey Morton: "Higher Dimensional Algebra and Quantum Mechanics" |
5:15-5:40 B: | João J. Xarez: "Galois theories of internal groupoids via congruence relations for Maltsev varieties" |
9:00-9:55: | Tom Leinster: "The Euler characteristic of a category" |
10:00-10:45: | Michael Makkai: "Higher dimensional diagrams via computads" |
11:00-11:35: | Dorette Pronk: "Paths in Double Categories" |
11:40-12:15: | Dirk Hofmann: "Lax-algebraic theories and closed objects" |
2:00-2:25: | Eugenia Cheng: "Towards an n-category of cobordisms" (with Nick Gurski) |
2:30-2:55: | Nick Gurski: "Algebraifying tricategories" |
3:00-3:25: | Simona Paoli: "Semistrict models of connected 3-types and Tamsamani's weak 3-groupoids" |
3:45-4:10: | Mark Weber: "2-toposes and higher dimensional algebra" |
4:15-4:40 A: | Diana Rodelo: "Cohomology without projectives" |
4:15-4:40 B: | Hugh Millington: "A New Ontology for Category Theory" |
4:45-5:10 A: | Matt Noonan: "Differential Geometry on Categories" |
4:45-5:10 B: | Jeff Egger: "The Frobenius relations meet linear distributivity" |
5:15-5:40 A: | Toby Kenney: "Injective Power Objects and the Axiom Of Choice" |
5:15-5:40 B: | Derek Wise: "Chain field theory" |
9:00-9:55: | Peter Selinger: "Categorical models of quantum computation" |
10:00-10:45: | Pieter Hofstra: "The category of realizability toposes" |
11:00-11:35: | Richard Wood: "Cartesian Bicategories II" (with A. Carboni, G.M. Kelly, R.F.C. Walters) |
11:40-12:15: | Jiri Adámek: "Iterative Algebras and Iterative Monads" |
2:00-2:25: | Stefan Milius: "Recursive coalgebras" |
2:30-2:55: | Richard Blute: "Deep Inference and Probabilistic Coherence Spaces" (with Prakash Panangaden and Sergey Slavnov) |
3:00-3:25: | Jürgen Koslowski: "Simulations as a genuinely categorical concept" |
3:45-4:10: | Robert Seely: "Differential Categories II" (with Richard Blute, Robin Cockett) |
4:15-4:40: | Luigi Santocanale: "Properties of Free Sigma-Pi-Categories" (with Robin Cockett) |
4:45-5:05: | Josep Elgueta: "2-categories of representations of a 2-group" |
5:10-5:30 A: | Juan Martínez-Moreno: "The actor of a categorical crossed module" (with M.A. García-Muñoz) |
5:10-5:30 B: | Robert E. Kent: "The information flow framework: New architecture" |
5:35-5:55 A: | Stefan Forcey: "Categorification of associahedra" |
5:35-5:55 B: | Michael Winter: "Arrow Categories" |