Organizer: Joachim Lambek
The idea behind type grammars (or categorial grammars) is to assign
one or more types to each word in the dictionary, so that one can
decide by a computation whether a string of words is a grammatical
sentence. The types may be taken as elements of an algebra or as terms
of a substructural logic. Some researchers have also begun to
incorporate lattice (additive) operations to strengthen the generating
power of the grammars, and others have looked at relations with
Montague semantics, Chomsky's minimalist program, and general logical
systems. This workshop gathers mathematical linguists from around the
world to discuss the state of the art in type grammars and their role
in mathematical linguistics.
So far the list of participants includes:
D. Bargelli (McGill)
R. Bernardi (Bolzano)
W. Buszkowski (Mickiewicz University)
K. Cardinal (McGill)
C. Casadio (Chieti)
C. Fox (Essex)
F. Lamarche (Nancy)
J. Lambek (McGill)
M. Moortgat (Utrecht)
G. Morrill (Barcelona)
R. Oehrle (Berkeley)
A. Preller (Montpellier)
Location: SITE Building, 800 King Edward, Room A0150 (off the
main entrance). Alternate room: SITE C0136 (see Local Information for maps and directions).
Day 1 - Wednesday, June 18
- 9:00-9:50. M. Moortgat (Utrecht): "Pregroup Approximations of
type logical grammars, Part I"
- 9:55-10:45. R. Oehrle (Berkeley): "Pregroup Approximations of
type logical grammars, Part II"
- 10:45-11:10. Break
- 11:10-12:00. J. Lambek (McGill): "Pregroup Grammars"
- 12:00-1:30. Lunch
- 1:30-2:20. W. Buszkowski (Mickiewicz): "Lambek Systems with
Nonlogical Axioms"
- 2:30-3:20. F. Lamarche (Nancy): "Combining polarities and
Galois-connected modalities: a case study for structads"
- 3:30-3:50. Break
- 3:55-4:45. C. Fox (Essex): "A Fine-Grained Intensional 1st-Order
Logic with Flexible Curry Typing"
Day 2 - Thursday, June 19
- 9:00-9:50. G. Morrill (Barcelona): "Generalised discontinuity"
- 9:55-10:45. R. Bernardi (Bolzano): "In Situ Binding: A Hybrid Approach"
- 10:45-11:10. Break
- 11:10-12:00. C. Casadio (Chieti): "An algebraic approach to
Latin sentence structure"
- 12:00-1:30. Lunch
- 1:30-2:20. A. Preller (Montpellier): "An algebraic approach to
German sentence structure"
- 2:30-3:20. D. Bargelli (McGill): "An algebraic approach to
Arabic sentence structure"
- 3:30-3:50. Break
- 3:55-4:45. K. Cardinal (McGill): "An algebraic approach to
Japanese sentence structure"
Contact Person:
P.J. Scott
Accommodations Registration
June 15-16: Quantum
June 17: Games
June 18-19: Linguistics
June 19-20: Concurrency
Related Events in Ottawa:
May 30-June 1: FMCS'03
June 2-20: Fields'03
June 21-27: LICS'03