June will be theoretical computer science month at U. Ottawa! The
Fields Institute will sponsor a summer school in Logic and
Foundations of Computation at the University of Ottawa this
summer, June 2-20, 2003. This program will be hosted by the logic
group in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the
University of Ottawa (consisting of Philip Scott, Richard Blute,
and Peter Selinger).
The program will consist of 2 weeks of courses, then a week of
workshops in several areas of theoretical computer science. The
courses are particularly aimed at graduate students in mathematics,
logic, theoretical computer science, mathematical linguistics and
related areas. The program culminates in the 18th annual IEEE
Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS2003)
meeting at U. Ottawa June 21-27.
For a detailed schedule, see Schedule.
Weeks 1,2: Each week will consist of two courses (one in the morning,
the other in the afternoon), taught by experts in the area. We are
also expecting visiting experts, who may give informal seminars as
well. We are planning topics that include:
- Week 1 (June 2-6): (a) Categorical Logic and type theory and
(b) Linear Logic. Fauteux 361. [Schedule]
- Categorical Logic and type theory (9am-12:30pm):
- Phil Scott (Ottawa):
"Introduction to Categorical
Logic and Type Theory"
- Peter Selinger (Ottawa):
"Categorical Logic and
Classical Logic"
- Linear Logic (2pm-5:30pm):
- Rick Blute (Ottawa):
"Introduction to Linear Logic"
- Thomas Ehrhard (Marseille):
"Models of Linear Logic"
Additional lectures may be given by visiting scholars. Among the
visitors we are pleased to have Robert Seely (McGill), and Robin
Cockett (Calgary).
- Week 2 (June 9-13): (a) Game Semantics and (b) Concurrency.
Fauteux 361 [Schedule].
- Game Semantics (9am-12:30pm):
- Samson Abramsky (Oxford):
"Game Semantics for
Programming Languages (Part I)"
- Guy McCusker (Sussex):
"Game Semantics for
Programming Languages (Part II)"
- Concurrency (2pm-5:30pm):
We hope to have other distinguished visitors who will give additional
Week 3 (June 15-20): Fields Institute Workshops.
This section is incomplete and more materials will be added soon.
Online registration is now disabled as the summer school is about to
begin. Please register locally in Ottawa.
The registration fees for the summer school are as shown in the
following table. The prices for researchers with grants are shown in
column A; researchers without grants and students pay 50%.
A: researchers with grants
B: researchers without grants and students
Basic Registration Fees | A | B |
Week 1 (courses) | $150/week | $75/week |
Week 2 (courses) | $150/week | $75/week |
Week 3: 2-day workshop | $100/each | $50/each |
Week 3: 1-day workshop | $75/each | $37.50/each |
Discounted Price | A | B |
Weeks 1+2 combination | $250 | $125 |
Week 3 all workshops | $200 | $100 |
Note: students who have been granted an admission scholarship and
whose registration fee has been waived still need to register. Please
use the online form and select "sponsored student" as the status on
the form. All others, please select the appropriate category.
Accommodations, Maps, Directions
Information on hotels, how to get here, computer access, etc, is
available at our Local Information webpage.
For further information, please contact the local organizers at fields@mathstat.uottawa.ca.
Philip Scott
Richard Blute
Peter Selinger
Local organizers:
Philip Scott
Richard Blute
Peter Selinger
Conference Email:
Local Information:
Local Information
Week 1+2 Participants
June 15-16: Quantum
June 17: Games
June 18-19: Linguistics
June 19-20: Concurrency
Related Events in Ottawa:
May 30-June 1: FMCS'03
June 21-27: LICS'03