1 - Iqc cutside clctbeslimes, radic ;
2- l<Ic tvdfldllt sdball ta-l·:-e rccraers c
3- I<'tc sidewvallc, ball, eaay, passa
te11ar1ts cr used by tbemn fcr a11g
4- be sign, advertiseipemt cr r1cti•
building, cr inside cf the buildj
¢5- 'I`er1a11ts 1111.1st 1:1cct allcvv their ww
tc- the prcperty cf the ctber tea;
11eglecti11g this ruler vvill be bel:
if the tenant is lr1ct present-
6- ]\Tc additicmal lcclcs shall be pl:
vvbicb shall be eridcrsed l1erec1
vcbargevd a lcclccut fee cf $35-Ol
7- IQ'ctl1i11g shall be placed by the
8- W.P\/'ater shall act be led
ctr sticlc cm picture hangers sha]
rict be assed tc chip cr reiricve 2
11ct c\¤u*r1ed by t11e Isamtdlcrd s11a
9- 15511 glass, lccks, screens, and tr
Kept cabcle, a11d vvheriever a11y
replaced cr repaired under t11e ¢
replacerments and repairs sbaall 1
1()- lqc deg, cat, rabbit, bird, cr
xvitbcut autbcrizatica bj
11- "I`l:1e 11:nter11l:•ers of his 1
and iaprcper znciase in or 11ea1
cr interfere wvitlx ternaamats ia cl
12- t'I`11te ;\partr1:1e11t shall be lecii: cle;
1¢3- $0 gccds, chattels, fi-xtures, cr
brcugbt i11tc tbe apartrneat ricr
cr ctber prcper·l:y cf t11e ]L.ar1dlc1
14- 'I`l1e Tcl1d])-t shall act place cr a]
public areas cr cri sidevvallcsr, ae
cvermigbt cr xwlieri act in use- F’r·
by t11e Laadlcrd-
1 -5 V- dc stcres cf a11y cc111b11stitb le vc]
1§..part1:11e11t cr ill a11y stcra-ge rare
1 6 - I—Iardx¤v*rccd flccrs III?]-I.]-St be lcept c
be lcept clean at tI1e expense cf 1
1 7- 'I"'11e TcI1·dI]t vvill be held respcris
cut cf t11e aparamemt-
1 8- 'I"11e I.ar1dlcrd’s electric steve, ru
gccd vvc1·l<i11g crder by t11te 'I`e112
reascrnable vvrear a11d tear is acce
prcperly used and act abused, bg
1 9- 'I`]:1e V'I"e1;1a1;1t asbaltl act disturb cr i
drcrie by t11e Landlcrd-, elxcept as
c11ly vvitb t11e pricr xnrritteb ccr1s¤