Schedule "B"
Rules and Regulations
l. No outside clotheslines, radio aerials, or T.V. anteMas shall be erected by a Tenant.
2. No tenant shall take roomers or boarden in any Apartment.
3. No sidewal_ ha_l, enhy, passage or stairway ofthe Apartment building shall be obwcted by any
tenants or used by them for any other purpose than for in_ess and e_ess to and bom their respective
4. No sign, advertisement or notic.e shall be inscribed, painted or afl_xed on any paIt ofthe outside ofthe
building, or inside ofthe building unless ftrst designated by the Landlord and endoned hereon.
5. Tenants must not allow their windows to remain open as to admit rain or snow. For any injufy caused
to the propeIty ofthe other tenants, or to the property ofthe Landlord by such carelessness the Tenent
neglecting this rule will be held responsible. D_g the winter months all windows must remain closed
ifthe tenant is not present.
ó. No additional locks shall be placed upon any door ofthe building without the consent ofthe Landlord,
which shall be endorsed hereon. Any tenant who locks himmenelfout ofhismer Apartment will be
charged a lockout fee of$35.OO.
7. Nothing shall be placed by the Tenant on the outside ofthe windowsills or projections.
8. Water shall not be lek ruMing in the Apartment unless actually being used. No spike, hooks, screws,
or stick on picture hangers shall be put into the wall or woodwork ofthe bui_ding. Sharp objects shall
not be used to chip or remove accumulations ofbost bom rebIgeraton. No laundry washers or dryers
not ow ed by the Landlord shall be kept, wed or stored in the Apartment.
9. All glass, locks, screens, and tria_mings in or upon the doon and windows ofthe Apawent shall be
kept whole, and whenever any part thereofshall become lost or broken, they shall be immediately
replaced or repaired under the direction and to the satisfaction ofthe Landlord or his agent, and such
replacements and repairs sball be paid for by the tenant ofthe ApaItment.
IO_ No dog, cat, rabbit, bir4 or any other anitnaL whatsoever shall be within or about the Ap_ent,
withaut written authorization by the _andlord.
ll. The Tenan_ meInbers of his family, bis guests, visiton, or servants shall not make or permit loud
aQd improper noise in or near the building or do aQything that would reasonably annoy, dislurb,
or interfere witb tenants io other apartmgnts in lhe bv_DdiAg.
12. me ApaNment shall &e leR clean and _ good conditioQ at the expiration ofterm.
13. No goods, chaWels, fiWes, or other items that migbt overload the floor ofthe Ap_ent shall be
brought into tbe Apartment nor shall items _e moved on, in or over floors, sidewatks, staýways, law s
or other property ofthe Landlord so as to damage same; Tenants wíll be held responsible for any
damage caused by their movement ofitems in, out ofor about the Apartment.
14. me Tenant shall not place or allow to be placed bicycles, baby canriages or other penonal property in
public aIeas or on sidewatks, neither shall articles be permitted to remain outside in such areas
ovemight or when not in we. Penonal propertS leR in public areas may be removed and disposed of
by ttae Landlord.
_5. No stores ofany combustible or o_ensive goods, provisiow or materials sha_l be kept in the
Apartment or in anS storage area or locker area by tbe Tenant.
ló_ Hardwood floon must be kept clean_ waxed aod polished at tbe expense ofthe Tenant. C_ts must
be kept clean at the expense ofthe Tenant.
17. me Tenant will be held responsible for any damage to the building caused by moving hrnihre in or
out ofthe Aparbnent.
18. me Landlord's elecOic stove, reóigerator_ and dishwasber where provided must be kept clean and in
good working order by the Tenant. me Tenant will be responsible for any damage to this equipment,
reasonable wear and tear is accepted. LaundIy facilities, where provided by tbe Landlord_ shall be
properly wed and not abused, by the Tenant.
19. me Tenant shall not dis_u b or intertere with any landscaping, garden wom or p_anting that has been
done by the Landlord, except as bereinbefore provided. Additional planting may be done by the renant
only with the prior written consent ofthe Landlord.