The Category Theory "Octoberfest" is an annual workshop, traditionally
held in October, bringing together researchers in category theory and
its applications.
This year's meeting was hosted in the Department of Mathematics
and Statistics at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada.
There was an informal welcome reception on Friday, October 22,
from 5:30-8, in room 319 of the Chase building. The scientific
program started on October 23, and consisted of one and a half days of
research talks.
Thanks to all the speakers and participants for making this a
successful workshop. Many speakers have agreed to make copies of
their slides available. If you are a speaker and haven't yet sent
your slides, you are still welcome to do so and I will post them.
 | Bowler |
 | Cruttwell |
 | Gallagher |
 | Hoffnung |
 | Kapulkin |
 | Lukács |
 | Lumsdaine |
Registration is no longer available. The registration fee was $30 to
cover workshop costs. The fee was waived for students and researchers
without grant support.
The workshop took place in room 319 of the Chase building, which is building
C280 on this campus map. The building is
also marked in red in the area map.
See our Accommodations Page for a list of
recommended hotels and bed & breakfasts.
With the help of our sponsors, we were able to provide limited
financial support to six graduate students and postdocs for travel to
the workshop and accommodations. The deadline for applying for this
support was September 20.
Recent Category Theory Octoberfest meetings were held at Carnegie
Mellon (2009), Concordia (2008), Ottawa (2006 and 2005), McGill
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from:
Dorette Pronk
Peter Selinger
Sept 20: student support request
Sept 22: Atlantica Hotel booking
Oct 1: register to speak