[Sept 9, 2010]

             2010 Category Theory "Octoberfest" Workshop
                Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
                         October 23-24, 2010



                                * * *


 - Monday, September 20: applications for student support

 - Friday, October 1: intention to give a talk


 - the website now contains information on where to stay (hotels and
   bed & breakfasts). Book early!


  The Category Theory "Octoberfest" is an annual workshop, traditionally
  held in October, bringing together researchers in category theory and
  its applications.

  This year's meeting will be hosted in the Department of Mathematics
  and Statistics at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada.

  There will be an informal welcome reception in the evening of
  October 22. The scientific program starts on October 23, and
  consists of one and a half days of research talks.

Research talks

  If you wish to give a talk, please let us know by sending an email
  to selinger@mathstat.dal.ca, by October 1. Please also send a title
  and abstract to the same address. Time slots are limited, so please
  register early if possible.

Student support

  We encourage participation by graduate students and postdocs at the
  workshop. Students will pay a reduced registration fee. We will also
  be able to provide limited financial support to students and
  postdocs for travel and accommodations; if you are interested in
  this, please email selinger@mathstat.dal.ca by September 20.

  Please also arrange for a brief letter of recommendation from your
  supervisor, to be sent to the same email address by September 20.
  Your supervisor's letter should also state whether you have access
  to funding from other sources, and how much.


  The website contains a list of hotels and bed & breakfasts that we
  recommend, some with special workshop rates. Please book early, as
  availability is limited, particular in the bed & breakfasts. 


  If you would like to attend the meeting, please register by emailing
  selinger@mathstat.dal.ca. There will be a reasonable on-site
  registration fee to cover workshop costs.

Arrival and location

  The workshop will take place in the Chase building on Dalhousie's
  main campus. There will be updated information and maps on the website.

Previous meetings

  Recent Category Theory Octoberfest meetings were held at Carnegie
  Mellon (2009), Concordia (2008), Ottawa (2006 and 2005), McGill


  We gratefully acknowledge financial support from:

  * The Atlantic Association for Research in Mathematical Sciences (AARMS)
  * The Administration of Dalhousie University
  * The Faculty of Science of Dalhousie University


  Dorette Pronk (Dalhousie), pronk@mathstat.dal.ca
  Peter Selinger (Dalhousie), selinger@mathstat.dal.ca
