The following is a list of typos in my Ph.D. thesis:
P. Selinger. "Functionality, polymorphism, and concurrency: a
mathematical investigation of programming paradigms". Ph.D. Thesis,
University of Pennsylvania. June 1997. 129 pages. Appeared as IRCS
Technical Report 97-17.
- Lemma 2.11: Add two equations "1s=s" and
- Proof of Theorem 2.18: For completeness, let T be the theory
generated by E, and observe...
- Remark 2.20: ...then Th(A) is a lambda theory. Moreover, the
properties of Lemma 2.11 imply that s and k, and hence all
combinatory terms, are lambda-definable, which implies that A
is a lambda algebra.
- Section 2.6.2: ...e.g. the open term algebra of the
lambda-beta-eta-calculus is extenional...
- Proposition 4.4: Let (P,*) be an ordered applicative structure, where
P is a bounded tree and * is strict in its left argument.
- Corollary 4.5: Begin with a tree P and a monotone left-strict
binary operation...
- Section 5.2.1: In the definition of raw typed lambda terms, omit "M