Preliminary Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Quantum Programming Languages

June 30 - July 1, 2005, Chicago

Peter Selinger (editor)

The final version was published in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, volume 170, pages 1-200, 2007.

Front matter

  • Preface. [pdf]
. . . . . . . . . v
  • Table of Contents. [pdf]
. . . . . . . . vii

Invited lecture

  • H. J. Briegel
    What is a quantum computation? [pdf]
. . . . . . . .  1

Contributed papers

  • P. Adão, P. Mateus
    A process algebra for reasoning about quantum security. [pdf]
. . . . . . 3-20

  • T. Altenkirch, J. Grattage, J. K. Vizzotto, A. Sabry
    An algebra of pure quantum programming. [pdf]
. . . . . 21-41

  • B. Coecke
    De-linearizing linearity: projective quantum axiomatics from strong compact closure. [pdf]
. . . . . 43-63

  • V. Danos, E. D'Hondt, E. Kashefi, P. Panangaden
    Distributed measurement-based quantum computation. [pdf]
. . . . . 65-84

  • V. Danos, E. Kashefi
    Pauli measurements are universal. [pdf]
. . . . . 85-90

  • R. Nagarajan, N. Papanikolaou, D. Williams
    Simulating and compiling code for the Sequential Quantum Random Access Machine. [pdf]
. . . . 91-112

  • S. Perdrix
    Quantum patterns and types for entanglement and separability. [pdf]
. . . 113-125

  • P. Selinger
    Dagger compact closed categories and completely positive maps. [pdf]
. . . 127-148

  • D. Unruh
    Quantum programs with classical output streams. [pdf]
. . . 149-167

  • P. Zuliani
    Quantum programming with mixed states. [pdf]
. . . 169-179

Proceedings of last year's workshop: QPL 2004

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