
I enjoy working in the areas of mathematical logic, category theory, and their applications to theoretical computer science. My research interests include programming languages for quantum computing, categorical quantum mechanics, quantum circuit theory, and unitary approximation.

Links to my research:

A list of my Papers.
My publications in BibTeX format.
The Quipper Programming Language.
My Curriculum Vitae.
My Thesis.
My compiler for the Core Join Calculus.
My Finite Lambda Model Applet.
My compiler for the Lambda-Mu-Nu Calculus.

My research in the news:

Local Information:

Free Open-Access Journals

In my opinion, the dominant academic publishers like Springer and Elsevier are leeches on the research community. They take our work (authors, editors, referees) without payment, add nothing of value, then charge our libraries exorbitant amounts to license the same content back to them. Fortunately, there is a growing number of better alternatives. All of the following journals are community run, free (for authors as well as readers), and open-access. All of them have editorial boards composed of first-rate researchers.

Upcoming Events:

Past Events:


In Ottawa: Math Department, LFC group, Logic Seminar.
Mailing list archives: Categories. Linear Logic. Types. Concurrency.
Papers from London, Stanford, Penn, Marseille, McGill, and Paris.
The Linear Logic Bibliography and the Hypertext Bibliography Project.
Home of Standard ML of New Jersey and Caml. Compiler Implementation in ML.
The Mobility Homepage.
Professional organizations: AMS (EIMS), ASL, MAA, SIAM, (NCP, SMTC), IEEE.
Back issues of journals (subscribers only): JSTOR.
Want to know who your advisor's advisor's advisor was? The Mathematics Genealogy Project.
Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.
Origins of many Common Math Symbols.


TLCA 2001. ASL 2001. LIW 2002. CTCS 2002. LICS 2003. FMCS 2003. Fields 2003. QIS School 2003. FLOPS 2004. ALPS 2004. CTCS 2004. LICS 2004. QPL 2004. POPL 2005. TLCA 2005. LICS 2005. MFPS 2005. FLOPS 2006. ICALP 2006. Geocal 2006. ASL 2006. MFPS 2006. CT 2006. LICS 2007. MFPS 2008. QPL 2008. MFPS 2009. QPL 2009. CQC 2009. QPL 2010. MFPS 2010. QPL 2011. CSSQI 2012. AQL 2015.
A listing of Logic Related Conferences.
The TLCA List of Open Problems.

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Peter Selinger / Department of Mathematics and Statistics / Dalhousie University
selinger@mathstat.dal.ca / PGP key