rip: encoding CDs to mp3 files


rip is a shell script for encoding an entire CD, or parts of a CD, to mp3 files. rip merely provides a user interface; it requires the programs cdparanoia and notlame to do the actual ripping and coding, respectively.



Downloading and Installing

The newest version of rip can be downloaded as a gzipped tar archive from http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~selinger/rip/. At the time of this writing, the current version is rip-1.0x.tgz. Unpack the archive by typing

tar -zxf rip-1.0x.tgz

This will create a directory rip-1.0x inside your current working directory. Here you will find the file rip, among other things. Now run the command

which bash

to find out where bash is installed on your system. If the answer is anything other than /bin/bash, modify the first line of the file rip accordingly. Finally, to install rip, simply put it in your $PATH. Remember that for rip to work, you must also have cdparanoia and notlame installed.


Usage: rip [options] [tracks]

Basic usage: Load a CD, type "rip", and enter all the information when prompted. Voila!


   -h, --help, --usage                print help message
   -v, --version               print version info and exit

   -a, --ta, --artist  <artist>       artist's name
   -l, --tl, --album   <album>        album name
   -y, --ty, --year    <year>         year
   -g, --tg, --genre   <genre>        genre
   -c, --tc, --comment <comment>      comment

   -o, --ogg               produce ogg files rather than mp3 (needs oggenc)
   -t, --cddbfile <file>   local file that contains disk info in CDDB format
                           (often in ~/.cddbslave. Edit e.g. with tcd or gtcd).
   -d, --destdir <dir>     name of the directory where to put the resulting 
                           mp3 files.  It will be created if it doesn't exist.
			   Default is current directory.
   -D, --device <device>   use this cdrom device, instead of the default
   -k, --notrackprompt     don't prompt user for unknown track titles
   -n, --noprompt          don't prompt user for anything
   -u, --underscores       convert spaces to underscores in filenames
   --numtracks <n>         specify total number of tracks on disk
   --test                  don't rip, just list the commands that would be 
   --refresh               do not generate files that already exist -
			   useful e.g. if a previous run was interrupted
   --pattern <pattern>     specify a pattern for file names. %a is artist,
			   %l is album, %y is year, %g is genre, %c is
			   comment, %t is track title, %n is track number
			   This pattern affects only filename, not contents
   --offset <n>            Add this number to each track number for
			   filename generation: This can be useful for
			   albums that occupy more than one disc.


   <tracks>            one or more track numbers to be ripped. They can 
		       also be ranges of the form 4-6 or -2 or 9-. Default
		       is all tracks. Also, an argument that starts with `:'
		       is a `literal' range, which gets passed on directly
		       to cdparanoia (see `cdparanoia --help'). So for
		       instance, an argument of the form :3-5 causes the
		       tracks 3-5 to be merged into a single mp3, whereas
		       :1:[20.35] causes ripping from track 1, second 20,
		       sector 35, to the end of track 1.




Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Peter Selinger.

This script is based on an earlier tcsh script "encode_cd.sh" by Conrad Sanderson (1999).


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

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Peter Selinger / Department of Mathematics and Statistics / Dalhousie University
selinger@mathstat.dal.ca / PGP key
Updated December 3, 2000