Web Stuff

Fight Spam

Here is my tool for fighting spam: SpiderKiller is designed to clobber up spammers' automated email address collection tools.

Miscellaneous Home Pages

Penn, Math, CIS, LCS, Library, BRICS. UM, Math, CS, Library, Stanford, CS, Theory, Stanford.You, Map. Carleton Math, SCS. Library. Ottawa, EECS, OCICS. Dalhousie, Science, Math, Computer Science, Financial Services, Research Services.

Search Engines

Yahoo. Alta Vista. Google. Scirus (scientific).

Cool Stuff

Surf the web as it was on a given date: the Wayback Machine.

Some Web Comics

Schlock Mercenary
Gunnerkrigg Court
Girl Genius

Open Software

GNU, Linux, Ubuntu, Freecode, SourceForge, Potrace, Ccrypt, My software.

The following is useful when you're traveling and you need to connect home from some internet cafe where they only have Windows machines. putty.exe (SSH client for Windows).

File Sharing

HTML and Java

NCSA on HTML, GIF Animation Tools and Gallery, Animations, Netscape Home, Java Home, Java Tutorial. (old). Pizza Home.

Some fun Applets

Miscellaneous Stuff

CTAN TeX Archive.
My Tutorial on Multiple Currency Accounting.

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Peter Selinger / Department of Mathematics and Statistics / Dalhousie University
selinger@mathstat.dal.ca / PGP key