Degree Programs
Statistics Division is the largest group of Statisticians in Maritime
Canada, and the only one which offers a full range of undergraduate
and graduate programs.
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Undergraduate Degree Program:
Through the five different undergraduate degree
programs offered by the Division of statistics, students are provided
with the flexibility and experience necessary to meet their individual
academic goals.
The Honours in Statistics Program (4 years)
provides students with a comprehensive knowledge of both theoretical
and applied statistics and will enable students to move easily into
challenging employment or graduate work in statistics. The
Combined Honours Program (4 years) allows students to study
Statistics and another scientific discipline at an advanced level. The
Advanced Major in Statistics Program (4 years)
provides a broad coverage of the discipline but is slightly less
demanding than the Honours programs. The Advanced Double Major
Program (4 years) allows specialization in two subjects at a
slightly less intense level than does the Combined Honours Program.
The Major in statistics Program (3 years) provides a student
with a basic background in statistics.
For more detailed information on the undergraduate
degree programs, admission requirements, course descriptions, and
contact information please follow this link to the
Degree Program page.
Graduate Degree Program:
The statistics division offers both the M.Sc.
and Ph.D. degrees. Faculty research interests include
robust statistics, data analysis, multivariate analysis, linear and
nonlinear regression, graphical methods and statistical computing,
time series analysis, statistical inference, and information theory.
Faculty are also engaged in a number of applied projects, which
currently include applications to chemistry, medicine, oceanography,
physiology and population genetics. Graduate students take part in one
or more applied projects through their participation in the activities
of the statistical consulting service.
For more detailed information on the graduate
degree programs, admission requirements, course descriptions, and
contact information please follow this link to the
Graduate Degree
Program page.