This is the page where I post material related to the ACSC/STAT 3740 course I am teaching in Winter 2025.
In person: 102 Chase Building. |
Online: Collaborate Ultra on Brightspace |
R package with tutorials and dependencies.
R package for those who want to manually install dependencies.
Because of the practical nature of the course, it is essential to have interactive lectures where students present their approaches to the problems, and discuss the pros and cons of their approaches.
Week beginning | Wednesday | Friday |
6th January |
Introduction and Preliminaries |
Programming and R
13th January |
R (cont.)
20th January |
Data Visualisation and ggplot
27th January |
Data Visualisation and Exploration |
3rd February |
10th February | Generalised Additive Models | Project Planning |
17th February | STUDY BREAK | |
24th February | Time Series Models |
3rd March |
10th March |
17th March |
24th March |
30th March | Case Study | Revision |
7th April | Revision |
Assignment 1 Due Friday 24th January. | Data and Code Files. | Model Solutions |
Assignment 2 Due Wednesday 12th February. | Data Files. | Model Solutions |
Assignment 3 Due Friday 14th March. | Data Files. | |
Assignment 4 Due Friday 21st March. | ||
Assignment 5 Due Friday 4th April. |