SHELL | shell used for executing system commands. | /bin/sh
CXX | c++ compiler. | set by OS.
CFLAGS | compiler flags. | -Wall -ggdb -O2 -pthread
PACKAGENAME | the name of the executable file. | cold
VERSION | the version of the program. | 1.0.0
forceremakeconfig | indicates whether configuration file needs to be remade.
forceremakevar | indicates whether .variable file needs to be remade.
mainsearchdir | directory in which application files are based. | $(HOME)/$(PACKAGENAME)
prefix | directory in which installed files should be stored. | /usr/local/
exec_prefix | directory in which executable files should be stored. | $(prefix)
bindir | directory in which the actual binary executable files should be stored.
DESTDIR | user input prefix to installation directory.
installbin | executable files to be installed. | $(PACKAGENAME) DNAml Utilities/setup Utilities/reordermatrix Utilities/summats
installdat | data files to be installed. | .variables .flags Models/parametermatrices Models/ECMq.txt Data/testtrees Data/testdata Models/mixture Models/models Models/masks Models/standardmodelmatrices Utilities/codonlistexample.txt Utilities/coldcodonorder.txt
installdoc | documentation files to be installed. | Documentation/ Documentation/ Documentation/ Documentation/
INSTALL | command for installing programs. | set by OS.