
  • You can navigate with keyboard (press "m" for movie etc).
  • Two boards are being assembled at the same time, call them left and right.
  • For each iteration, a total of eight copies (some left, some right) are assembled after some transformations.
  • These transformations are specified by placements and transformation rules.
  • A transformation rule consists of eight digits, each digit must be from 0 to 7.
  • Digit 0-3 means rotation by 0,90,180,270 degrees.
  • Digit 4-7 means vertical flip followed by rotation of 0,90,180,270 degrees.
  • The first (last) four digits dictate how the left (right) board is formed.
  • Placement is a sequence of eight zeros and ones, where zero represents the left board and one represents the right board.
  • The four digits correspond to four pieces of the newly formed left board corresponding to upper-left, upper-right, lower-left and lower right corners, respectively.
  • The last four digits is for the newly formed right board.
  • There is a total of 8^8*2^8=4.3 billion different rules, although some of them produce the same patterns.