16:00 | Check-in begins (Front Desk Professional Development Centre - open 24 hours) |
17:30-19:30 | Buffet Dinner, Donald Cameron Hall |
20:00 | Informal gathering in 2nd floor lounge, Corbett Hall |
Opportunity to prepare poster display |
8:00 | Opportunity to prepare poster display |
8.45 | Introduction and Welcome to BIRS by BIRS Station Manager |
9:00 | Abie Flaxman |
Expansion and lack thereof in randomly perturbed graphs | |
9:30 | Yu Hirate |
Web Structure in 2005 | |
10:00 | Ross Richardson |
Local/global phenomena in geometrically generated graphs | |
10:30 | Anthony Bonato |
Structural properties of infinite limits of self-organizing networks | |
11:00 | Coffee break |
11:00 | KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Fan Chung |
Local Graph Partitioning using PageRank vectors | |
12:15 | Lunch (Donald Cameron Hall) |
14:00 | KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Soumen Chakrabarti |
Indexing, searching, and ranking in entity-relationship networks with associated text | |
15:00 | Coffee break |
15:15 | Poster session |
17:30-19:30 | Buffet Dinner, Donald Cameron Hall |
8:45 | Sandro Flammini | Approximating PageRank from indegree |
9:15 | Nelly Litvak |
In-degree and Pagerank of Web pages: why do they follow similar power laws? | |
9:45 | Maxim Gurevich |
Search engine sampling via random walks | |
10:15 | Davood Rafiei |
Some applications of snowball sampling on the Web graph | |
10:45 | Coffee break |
11:00 | KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Walter Willinger |
Power laws in Internet graphs: full of sound and fury, signifying nothing? | |
12:00 | Lunch (Donald Cameron Hall) |
13:30 | KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Filippo Menczer |
Googlearchy or Googlocracy? How search affects Web traffic and growth | |
14:30 | Coffee break |
14:45 | Martin Olsen |
Communities in large networks: identification and ranking | |
15:15 | Debora Donato |
Link analysis for Web spam detection | |
15:45 | Igor Kanovsky |
Web graph clustering based on link correlations | |
16:15 | Melih Onus |
A scalable multilevel algorithm for community structure detection | |
16:45 | Closing remarks |
17:30-19:30 | Buffet Dinner, Donald Cameron Hall |