16:00 | Check-in begins (Front Desk Professional Development Centre - open 24 hours) |
17:30-19:30 | Buffet Dinner, Donald Cameron Hall |
20:00 | Informal gathering in 2nd floor lounge, Corbett Hall |
Opportunity for students to set up posters |
9:00 | Opportunity for students to set up posters | 9.30 | Introduction and Welcome to BIRS by BIRS Station Manager |
9:45 | Welcome and introduction | 10.15 | Coffee break |
10:30 | TUTORIAL: Walter Willinger |
On measuring, inferring, and modeling Internet connectivity: A guided tour across the TCP/IP protocol stack | |
12:00 | Lunch (Donald Cameron Hall) |
2:00 | TUTORIAL: Walter Willinger (continued) |
3:00 | Coffee break |
3:15 | Poster presentations (WW and SC group) |
5:30-7:30 | Dinner (Donald Cameron Hall) |
9:00 | TUTORIAL: Filippo Menczer |
Web Mining, mapping, modeling and mingling | |
10:00 | Poster presentations (FM group) |
10:45 | Coffee break |
11:00 | TUTORIAL: Filippo Menczer (continued) |
12:00 | Lunch (Donald Cameron Hall) |
1:30 | TUTORIAL: Soumen Chakrabarti |
Ranking and labeling graphs: Analysis of links and node attributes | |
3:30 | Coffee break |
4:00 | TUTORIAL: Soumen Chakrabarti (continued) |
5:30-7.30 | Dinner (Donald Cameron Hall) |
9:00 | TUTORIAL: David Liben-Nowell |
Navigation and Evolution of Social Networks | |
10:00 | Poster presentations (DL ans FC group) |
10:45 | Coffee break |
11:00 | TUTORIAL: David Liben-Nowell (continued) |
12:00 | Lunch (Donald Cameron Hall) |
1:30 | TUTORIAL: Fan Chung-Graham |
Graph Theory in the New Millennium | |
2:30 | Problem solving session |
3:15 | TUTORIAL: Fan Chung-Graham (discussion) |
4:00 | Coffee break |
4:15 | Panel discussion |
5:30-7.30 | Dinner (Donald Cameron Hall) |