LaTeX Help

Here are some hints and help for latex. Feel free to download any of the files. For the moment the site is a work in progress.


You can download dalthesis.cls (for thesis preparation in LaTeX at Dalhousie) from: dalthesis.cls.

Here is a more updated dalthesis.cls: dalthesis_updated.cls.

This file does not necessarily reflect current FGS regulations. Please have a format check done with FGS to ensure that you have the proper formatting.

Here is an example of the main file for your thesis: masterfile_example.tex.

Make your own presentation!

Here's a website giving templates as well as style files for making prosper LaTeX slide presentations:


Note: if you use prosper, you will have to change it into a .ps FIRST before using it was as .pdf file.

LaTeX Presentation (Fall 2006)

Here are my slides from my presentation LaTeX Basics.

Helpful Links

LaTeX Presentation (Winter 2006)

Here are my slides from my presentation LaTeX Pres.


For the "scaledpicture" environment, which greatly simplifies doing diagrams and pictures in LaTeX, you need this file fullpict.sty.

For more information please see the documention fullpict.doc.


For using the "graph" environment, there are a bunch of files that you need. All these can be found on the following link (from the creator's website):

The file "" gives the documentation for the package. All the other files must be put in one directory, all together, where you are going to use them. For more details, see the documentation.

Category Theory Diagrams

Another very useful diagram drawing package is the one by Michael Barr avaiable on the following site This is not included by "\usepackage" rather it is inputed at the beginning of the file. So before "\begin{document}" put the command "\input{diagxy.tex}".

Including .ps and .eps files

To include .ps and .eps files in you LaTeX document, you will have to include the package epsfig.sty.


If you have trouble download anything off of this site or if you have any LaTeX questions, please contact me.