Math/Stat 2300 Winter 2010

Exam Prep





Midterm Review

Midterm Review partial solutions

Midterm: March 4th, in class

Final Exam, Wednesday, April 21, 9:00am

Maple tutorial on Tuesday, March 16 in LSC C200 during class time.

Course Information

Calendar description: By using fundamental calculus concepts in a modelling framework, the student investigates practical problems chosen from common experiences encompassing
many academic disciplines, including the mathematical sciences, operations research, engineering and the management and life sciences.
A significant part of the class is learning to use Maple as a mathematical tool.

Course Outline

Contact me via email

Class time:

Tuesday and Thursday 13:05 to 14:25 LSC-Psychology P5263

Office hours:

Tuesday and Thursday 14:30 to 16:30 Chase Building room 312


Course evaluation:

Assignments --- 40%

Midterm ---25%

Final --- 35%


One aspect of this course is using Maple, a computer algebra system, to aid in the numerical solution of various modeling problems.
Programming in Maple will be a significant aspect of the assignments.

Maple tutorial on Tuesday, January 19th in LSC C200 during class time.

Maple tutorial on Tuesday, March 16 in LSC C200 during class time.