Compile Quipper quantum circuit to OpenQasm 2.0 program

This program reads a Quipper ASCII format circuit file( many examples here), then translates the circuit into an OpenQASM 2.0 program, which can be copied to IBM Quantum Experience Circuit Composer, and then you can edit the program, draw the circuit online, and finally you can execute it by submitting the circuit to a quantum computer simulator. (You need to create an IBMid there, which is easy and free). The source codes for this tool is on github.

Step 1. Upload Quipper ASCII file:

Step 2. Translate to OpenQASM 2.0 program:

If your circuit contains a subrouine that is not a unitary, you need to use Translate -inline.

Try pre-uploaded examples

Opened on: 04/18/2020. Last edited on: 04/24/2020

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