About me: I am a PhD candidate at Dalhousie University aspiring to be a number theorist. My advisor is Karl Dilcher.

My Erdős number is two. The shortest path is Paul Erdős – Carl Pomerance – Lyra Soyeon Kim.

My Einstein number is three. The shortest path is Albert Einstein – Ernst Gabor Straus – Carl Pomerance – Lyra Soyeon Kim. (The paper was published under what is now my deadname.)
Pronouns: she/her
Research interest(s): I am interested in number theory, specifically elementary, analytic, and combinatorial number theory. See (see here for more info).
Office: Chase 311
Learning Centre Hours: Click here for current learning centre hours.
Email: Click here to obtain my email address.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Dalhousie University
6316 Coburg Rd, PO BOX 15000
Halifax, NS, Canada
B3H 4R2
Doing math? One important thing to always remember: Math is hard for everyone - and this includes Fields Medallists such as Terence Tao. This free e-book from the American Mathematical Society consists of a compendium of essays by working mathematicians who outline various struggles they have had while doing mathematics. It includes an essay from none other than Terence Tao too. I wish every student working hard at mathematics has a chance to read this. (Mirror: here)