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Welcome to NS Math Circles!

Nova Scotia Math Circles is dedicated to enriching the experiences of Nova Scotia students in all areas of mathematics.

Our program vision is to foster enthusiasm for math through interactive, creative, and meaningful presentations.

We offer monthly events at Dalhousie for senior high and advanced junior high students, and visit schools all across the province for free.

Monthly Events: To see our event schedule and sign up for an event, check out our current events. Our previous monthly events are listed HERE.

NEXT EVENT: June 19, 6:00 - 7:45pm. (Pizza at 6, presentation at 6:30)
~~~In-person with option to attend online~~~
Speakers: Drs. Karyn McLellan and Danielle Cox

Topic: Exploring Mathematical Research

Abstract: What is math research? In this talk we will learn how a mathematician discovers new results, look at some famous math problems that sparked interesting research and let you try your own hand at discovering some mathematical theorems of your own.

Find out more and register HERE.

Want to receive email updates and reminders for our monthly events? Sign up for our mailing list on the left!

To read our 2023-2024 Annual Report, click here!

Thank you Eastlink for renewing your Half-Million Dollar Donation!!!

On June 17th, 2014 we announced a partnership with Eastlink. They donated $500,000 to NS Math Circles for the program to further expand its outreach into junior high schools and begin outreach in the elementary schools. In the spring of 2019, Eastlink renewed its $500,000 donation for a further five years, allowing us to continue our outreach, improve our program, and widen our scope. Thank You to Lee Bragg and Eastlink for these generous donations!

Photo Credit: Danny Abriel

Math Circles in the News:

NS Math Circles in Dal Giving Power magazine.
Check out an article about NS Math Circles in Dal News!

Join in the fun today!

Contact us for ideas on how we can best serve your needs. We would love to coordinate with you and give a presentation to your school for FREE!

Contact: Reach us through our form HERE.


Many Thanks to our Partners!

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All Rights Reserved.