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Notes For The Double-Napped Cone

  • (intro) The double-napped cone has three important parts to it: the ____________________, the ____________________ and the ____________________.

  • (intro) When a double-napped cone is cut by a plane, the four conic sections formed are the _______________, the _______________, the _______________, and the ______________.

  • (intro) The degenerate conics that can also be formed by cutting a double-napped cone are a _______________, a ______________, and a _______________.

  • (page 1) When a horizontal plane cuts the cone, a circle is formed. If the plane moves closer to the cones' vertex, the circle ____________________ in size.

  • (page 2) When an inclined plane cuts the cone, an ellipse is formed. If this plane becomes more inclined, that is the plane becomes more parallel to the cones' vertical axis, the ellipse becomes more ____________________.

  • (page 3) When a plane cuts through both naps of a double-napped cone, a hyperbola is formed. If this plane moves closer to the cones' vertex, the branches of the hyperbola get ________________ _________________.

  • (page 4) When a plane which is parallel to the generator cuts a double-napped cone, a parabola is formed. If this plane moves closer to the generator of the cone, the parabola becomes ______________________.

  • (page 5) When a horizontal plane cuts the cone at its' vertex, a ____________ is formed.

  • (page 5) When a plane cuts the cone exactly on the generator, the degenerate conic formed is a ______________.

  • (page 5) When a plane cuts the cone exactly on the vertical axis, the degenerate conic formed is a pair of _______________________ _____________.

  • (page 6) The equation                                                                         = 0    can describe all the conic sections and all the degenerate conic sections.