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Conic Sections
Quiz: Double-Napped Cone Module

Instructions:Answer all the following questions in the space provided. Simplify all answers.

  1. Describe or show how a double-napped cone is created.

  2. Label the vertex, vertical axis, generators in the following diagram of a double-napped cone.

  3. a) Describe or show how the double-napped cone can be sliced to create circles.

    b) Describe what happens to a circle as the plane cutting the double-napped cone moves:
         i) towards the cone's vertex

         ii) away from the cone's vertex

  4. a) Describe or show how the double-napped cone can be sliced to create ellipses.

    b) Describe what happens to an ellipse as the plane cutting the double-napped cone gradually becomes:
         i) more parallel to the cone's generator.

         ii) more perpendicular to the cone's generator.

  5. a) Describe or show how the double-napped cone can be sliced to create hyperbolas.

    b) Describe what happens to a hyperbola as the plane cutting the double-napped cone moves:
         i) closer to the cone's vertex.

         ii) farther away from the cone's vertex.

  6. a) Describe or show how the double-napped cone can be sliced to create parabolas.

    b) Describe what happens to a parabola as the plane cutting the double-napped cone moves:
         i) closer to the cone's vertex.

         ii) farther away from the cone's vertex.

  7. a) Use the below chart to describe or show how the double-napped cone can be sliced to create each of the degenerate cases.
    Degenerate Conic Describe or show how this Degenerate Case is Created
    a point 
    a line 
    intersecting lines 

  8. State the general equation that describes all the conic sections and degenerate conics algebraically.