- Curriculum
Math links
Course notes
PhD Candidacy - Research
Presentation slides
Arranged by course / Arrange by term
Unless otherwise specified, the courses are taught at Dalhousie University. If I led a tutorial section or marked a course, that course will be listed here. Only the first year courses (MATH 1xxx) and selected second-year courses (MATH 2xxx) have tutorials. Any upper-division courses (MATH 3xxx and 4xxx) have marking duties only.Regarding the course number at the University of Waterloo:
- MATH 1xx~2xx are lower-division courses offered by the Faculty of Mathematics.
- PMATH 3xx~4xx are upper-division courses geared toward pure mathematics majors.
- PMATH 4xx courses are cross-listed with the PMATH 6xx counterpart.
- MATH 6xx denote the courses intended for students enrolled in the Master of Mathematics for Teachers program.
- PMATH 7xx courses are graduate-level pure mathematics courses.
- (L): Had learning centre duties; was in charge of answering questions pertaining to the course.
- (M): Had assignment marking duties.
- (O): Required to hold office hours.
- (T): This course had tutorials, and I led one or more sections of tutorials.
Dalhousie University
Nova Scotia Math Circles
- Fall 2019 ~ Summer 2022: Regular Presenter/Content Developer
Learning Centre
- Fall 2018 ~ : See here for my current hours.
Upper division courses
- MATH 3031 (Abstract Algebra I): Fall 2020 (Ross)
- MATH 3070 (Number Theory): Fall 2022 (Chern)
- MATH 4116/CSCI 4116 (Cryptography): Winter 2020 (Selinger)
Lower division courses
- MATH 1000 (Differential & Integral Calculus I): Fall 2019 (Noble)
- MATH 1010 (Differential & Integral Calculus II): Winter 2021 (Surovell)
- MATH 1215 (Calculus for Life Sciences): Fall 2018 (Chisholm)
- MATH 1280 (Engineering Mathematics I): Fall 2022 (Yao)
- MATH 1290 (Engineering Mathematics II): Winter 2020 (Yao)
- MATH 2040 (Linear Algebra II): Summer 2020 (Turchetti)
- MATH 2051 (Problems in Geometry): Winter 2023 (Pronk)
- MATH 2110 (Logic and Set Theory): Fall 2022 (Selinger)
- MATH 2113 (Discrete Structures – Continuation of MATH 2110/2112): Winter 2023 (Vooys)
- MATH 2135 (Linear Algebra – More theoretical/conceptual variant of MATH 2040): Winter 2023 (Smirnov)
University of Waterloo (2014~2017)
University of California, Los Angeles (2012~2013)
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Last modified on 17 January 2025