This is the page where I post material related to the ACSC/STAT 4703 course I am teaching in FALL 2024.
In person: 102 Chase Building. |
Online: Collaborate Ultra on Brightspace |
R code for some of the class questions
Lecture time is limited, so I plan to use it explaining concepts and giving examples, rather than reading the textbook. Therefore, to get the most out of each lecture, you should read the relevant material before the lecture. Here is the list of what I expect to cover in each lecture. This is subject to change - make sure to check regularly for changes. For individuals following the asynchronous online lectures, you have some flexibility over your schedule. The videos on Brightspace mostly go through the example questions on the Class Question handout. You should read through the relevant sections of the textbook before viewing the videos in order to get the most out of them. The videos are divided by question - one video per example question. There are some videos explaining particular topics in more generality. It is suggested to follow the in-class schedule for covering the material. Homework assignments are generally due about a week after the relevant material should be covered, so should allow some flexibility in the rate at which you cover material.
Week beginning | Tuesday | Thursday |
2nd September |
Introduction and Preliminaries 5 Continuous Distributions |
9th September |
16th September |
23rd September |
30th September |
7th October |
Revision chapters 5,7,8,9,16, IRLRPCI 5.2, Study Note 2 |
14th October | Revision chapters 5,7,8,9,16, IRLRPCI 5.2, Study Note 2 |
21st October |
28th October |
4th November |
11th November | STUDY BREAK | |
18th November |
25th November | Revision | Revision |
2nd December | END OF LECTURES |
Assignment 1 Due Thursday 19th September. | Model Solutions | |
Assignment 2 Due Thursday 26th September. | HW2_data.txt | Model Solutions |
Assignment 3 Due Tuesday 8th October. | Model Solutions | |
Assignment 4 Due Tuesday 15th October. | HW4_data1.txt | Model Solutions |
Assignment 5 Due Thursday 31st October. | Model Solutions | |
Assignment 6 Due Thursday 7th November. | HW6_data.txt,HW6_data2.txt | Model Solutions |
Assignment 7 Due Thursday 21st November. | data files | Model Solutions |
Assignment 8 Due Thursday 28th November. | HW8_data.txt | Model Solutions |